Definitely one of those “Holy shit...actually that makes sense” moves when you realize just how awful the US is doing with covid. I know I definitely don’t plan on going to a theater any time soon.
Definitely one of those “Holy shit...actually that makes sense” moves when you realize just how awful the US is doing with covid. I know I definitely don’t plan on going to a theater any time soon.
Oddly, this review doesn’t seem to even link to the AV Club’s review of the first book (at least that I can see). To a certain extent, the reviews aren’t incompatible: the first review ended with “But for readers in line with Cline’s obsessions, this is a guaranteed pleasure.” As it became more popular, it reached…
Qanon dorks are too busy shopping at real stores without their masks on to patroniz Amazon in any way...that’s my guess.
I was never much into the old EU and I love it. I think I read a few of the early novels and was unimpressed so didn’t keep up and I played most of the Dark Forces games, but no KOTOR or any of the others. I did watch "Clone Wars" and "Rebels" which makes me very happy to see some characters like Ahsoka and Bo Katan,…
The last time Burton (and Elfman) went all-out on a Christmas theme we got Batman Returns. Which was, needless to say, fucking brilliant. So yes, that would have been a better choice (and perhaps stopped him from making the 2001 version of Planet of the Apes). He could even have got Christopher Walken back to go full…
Don’t forget the most important outcome of MI:II; Dougray Scott was contracted to play the bad guy, and had to bow out of this silly superhero film X-men.
I’m honestly puzzled by the vitriol about Whedon. It’s so intense and personal, and has an unhealthy fervor that’s outsized in comparison to his misdeeds.
I think the truth is: he’s a shitty husband and got caught up in a moment of time where everyone and anyone in the public light was being held accountable for being shitty.
The Cult of Snyder is basically pop culture’s equivalent of QAnon (I wager there's quite an overlap too, considering how many of them see this as part of the so-called culture wars). It’s absurd the sort of shit they made up about what happened behind the scenes of Justice League, and even more absurd that now Ray…
After his death in 1988, British comedian and actor Kenneth Williams’ diaries - all 43 volumes - were edited into one volume covering the entire period of writing (40+ years), and even though it’s obviously just a fraction of what he wrote, it’s still extremely well-edited and a fascinating read.
Hopefully these ladies will be able to figure out something to do with Vanessa other than kill her or have her held hostage. I really liked where they started with that character and her relationship with Wade, but killing her at the beginning of DP2 left a bad taste in my mouth that the movie had to work really hard…
That’s always what I don’t understand. Even if you think the reaction is overblown and your critics are really crybaby idiots, how could you not see that saying “I think the reaction is overblown and my critics are crybaby idiots” is not the move here? This happens every time and people always just step on the rake…
Ah yes, court jesters, famously anti-political.
I agree with your larger point, but also doesn’t everyone think James Woods should shut up? Surely the thought has to be there in the back their minds.
I’ll watch this. But it does kind of read as Guy Maddin fanfic.
I can’t even imagine George W. Bush doing this and I hate that asshole. This shit just wasn’t done before. Not even by the worst of the worst. Or rather, the people we used to think of as the worst. We really had no idea.
We are introduced to this new story by our omniscient narrator, Master Yoda, who explains that Rey has begun training Finn to be a Jedi.
I’m putting Chicken Boo up there as a strong dark-horse third place. It’s just too sublimely stupid, and also blessedly short as you mentioned.
This article skips something that made the show really great: the short skits that were interspersed between the longer, episode-title-skits. Things like the little kid waddling out of his house to tell the audience a story about how Randy Beaman’s parents fed their partygoers dog food instead of bean dip, or the…