Hes still sending emails asking for money to fight the vote. The small print says the money will pay off campaign debt. They are just taking people for more money. — BringDownTheEUSSR, Stoke, United Kingdom, 3 hours ago
It’sh only natural that Sean Connery would drag his archnemesis to the afterlife.
As long as there are Americans, there will be insufferable Thanksgivings
Well, it looks like I’m going to be the one whose insufferable at Thanksgiving this year, Dad.
I guarantee you they will make a profit. I can’t wait to pay for the privilege of shitting my pants in a movie theatre!
I will watch Seduced, probably this weekend, but I think that the ideology is presented to the adherents in a candy coated to start and so it’s effective the way it slowly reveals it’s rotten core. And I can’t imagine watching the second to last episode and thinking the show itself is candy coating how deeply fucked…
Haven’t seen seduced yet but completely disagree about the vow. It absolves the ex members it follows too much, I agree, but the amount of footage they had access to was great. Focusing on the detail of Keith’s philosophy is absolutely essential in understanding how he connected and manipulated so many people. Because…
Randi had to die to prove everyone must die. Fortunately the footage of him unmasking faith healers as frauds will live on forever.
People voted for George W Bush because he seemed like a guy you could have a beer with.
I definitely felt like the show was having its cake and eating it to some extent. The Welfare Queen story started to delve into this but then kind of just backed off and said “it’s fine!” It didn’t really get into how she felt about that this was what the audience wanted, and that this diverse ensemble was…
There was, but it was introduced and then wrapped up in one episode in which that character shared the A-Story with Betty Gilpin’s character in a broader story about motherhood in general. It sounds like they do acknowledge that these topics have been addressed, but when characters like Ruth and Debbie and even…
Yep, and they acknowledge that in the article and the letter (albeit not the specific storylines).
I thought for a second that “Progressive sign spinner” was an epithet in the vain of “social justice warrior” or “virtue signaling.” But yeah, she's fantastic and deserves a higher profile.
I loved almost every second of GLOW, but the complaint that “the series hadn’t explored how these characters would feel about portraying wrestlers who played up racially offensive stereotypes” resonates. The show did deal with this in several episodes, but something so large feels like it deserves even more space. It…
I only watched each season once, but... didn’t they kind of deal with how the non-white wrestlers were being portrayed as ugly stereotypes? At least Welfare Queen, Fortune Cookie, and Beirut? As someone who watched wrestling a LOT in the 80s, and who’s kept up with what those poor bastards got up to later, it all…
She really needs to dump the Progressive sign spinner. She can do so much better.
Dr Emilio Lizardo can’t tell you if he cares, which probably means he doesn’t. He’s also aware of the narcisism of commenting on a thing he doesn’t care about and the arrogance of speaking of himself in the third person.
Diana finishing off Christina with her bionic hand . . . did not see that coming.