Cosby supporters.
Your barrage of questions is highly inappropriate.
Jesus Christ, get off your high horse. This is not the same as the Pepsi ad (for one thing, where’s the supermodel or notion that a carbonated beverage can soothe the savagery of the riot police) though I’m sure saying so gives you a bit of smug satisfaction. It’s a beer ad, yes, but at least it’s a beer ad that is…
Le Pen won’t win. Right now she’s panicking and becoming more hardline, as the Left-Wing populist Jean-Luc Melenchon is gaining ground, announcing a complete ban on immigration and the like.
You sound stupid.
You make her out to be the villain, but why the fuck should M&Ms care what she wants on her candy if she’s a paying customer? It’s a little different than a municipality deciding what you can’t put on a license plate...
Americans often get caught up in the bucolic “fiddle dee dee” image of Irish life and picturesque scenery, and don’t realize how piss-poor a large percentage of the population really was until relatively recently. Those who ended up in homes like these had to subsist on the dregs on donations, which meant even more…
freedom of speech sometimes comes with consequences, my good bitch.
The Katy Perry comment doesn’t make her look like kind of an asshole, it makes her look like a completely ignorant, bullying asshole.
I am sure Trudeau wishes he could be hanging out on Richard Branson’s island with Obama instead of guest starring on the Political Apprentice.
Minogue’s attorneys also described Jenner as “a secondary reality television personality,”
If your cornflour is blue, you should probably throw it away.