
I would hope so.

So, *he* did something *he* really shouldn’t have done given his position (to put it lightly), and he was punished for it by his employer, and his response is... to sue the person whose statements led to him getting caught.

That monster. I hope he gets what he deserves.

Because slut shaming is only about 95% effective in keeping the victims of sexual assault from filing a complaint with police, we should add civil litigation against the sluts who report assault. That will fix everything.

But, she was his favorite victim of a rape, so he had to get her drunk and use his authority to further rape her.

How are either of these men still cops? Setting aside the fact that I completely believe this poor young lady for a minute, just the things they admitted are so egrecious that they should be fired. Police work is too important to be a frat party.

How often are cops fired for ANYTHING? Including wrongly killing people? To the point that I’m only shocked when they ARE actually fired. Blame police unions who have set up a system in which cops can engage in misconduct and even criminal activity with impunity.

Thank the men’s rights movement which has espoused that 40 to 50% of rape accusations are false despite the fact that credible after credible study indicates that the number is 2 to 8 percent, and the fact that according to RAINN only 3% of rapists ever spend time in jail.

How can he not understand.....

Of course they weren’t fired. In order for a cop to be fired he has to strangle a toddler on live television, and even then, it’s not a sure thing, because the toddler might be black and thus the claim that the baby was lunging for his gun.

Counter suing so it looks like you are innocent because you are benefiting from the idea that it’s very difficult to forensically prove that a person was “touched” against her will is also known as the “Cosby defense”.

“In the countersuit, he claims that “her words...hurt his relationships, finances, and health.” At the time of the investigation, Skorzewski was married.”

WTF? There are plenty of OTHER people to bar crawl with in Seattle.. plenty. There is no reason to have a 10 hour social interaction with someone you’re there to protect and serve.

“... He made a slight error in judgement” Are you fucking kidding me? You don’t take a rape victim out for a bar crawl when you’re supposed to be investigating her assault. Even without the sexual assault he’s accused of, this man should in no way still be on the force, at least while the investigation is going, and

I’m pretty sure tgat goibg on a bar crawl with a rape-victim whose rape you are investigating is a no-no.

Fuck, that’s terrible. Sometimes I feel like I should just become a hermit. *pulls blanket over head*

How what huh he should still be a cop even when he has sex with a rape survivor whose case he is investigating? How the hell does that make sense? How can he not understand that she might not feel fine with saying “no, I won’t go drinking with you, no I won’t fuck you” because she wants the first rapist found? (These

Alledged assault notwithstanding, how did they not get fired for ten hours of getting drunk with a victim they were supposedly there to “protect and serve?”

All farmed salmon is Atlantic. For whatever reason the species took better to being farmed than the pacific species. Accordingly atlantic is farmed in the PNW and sometimes they escape wild. Any of these caught are require to be reported. Farmed Salmon is an environmental disaster. The companies are all Norwegian and

Farmed Salmon have a completely different taste too as compared to their wild counterparts. Where one can find and afford it, I usually recommend wild over farm.