
One young mother said she had sex with was raped by Coleman because she had feared for the safety of her daughter. “I was scared and ashamed,” the woman said. “I tried to forget about the incident.” Each time the woman needed something repaired, Coleman demanded sex raped her.

It's so true. People don't believe women in general, and poor women and women of color have it so much worse.

Because nobody believes poor women. The prevailing wisdom is that poor women lie. They are easy targets.

Because rape is so funny! Ha!

That’s a piss-poor settlement. Splittting 8 mill? 40k each is peanuts. Those women deserve better than relocating to another shitty section 8 apartment.

So, each woman gets around $10,000, and the circling vultures attorneys get the rest?

As a social worker, FUCK THESE GUYS.

I LOVE how people just casually suggest that working from home is equivalent to maternity leave, like it’s so easy to work while caring for a newborn. The first three months with my second born were so intense that taking a shower felt like a major accomplishment.

It would be a good thing if the male percentage of the population dropped to about 10%. And I say that as the mother of sons.

I had dislocated my right knee, and it kept getting worse; the first doctor I saw for it refused to take x-rays and told me to “go on Weight Watchers for two weeks and come back.”

There was some informal study not too long ago about patients with brain cancer. The men who had brain cancer? Most of their partners stayed with them. The women?

All I could think was “Oh thank god. She’ll believe me.”

It might be marginally better than the US, but in most places, Canada’s mental health services are utter shit, too. It’s always apolitically safe to cut funding for it, so they do.

I have a clip-on meter for oxygen levels - it takes a minute or less and I’m sure they put one on her and found sufficient oxygen. I would be surprised if they hadn’t done that. It’s entirely possible for the clot to be unrelated to her original complaint and to have occurred suddenly. My uncle, a pathologist, died

People w/o medical training can only tell you how they perceive what they are experiencing. I get that people are busy & annoyed with difficult patients. But we know what this chick actually died of. From what I read- symptoms of PE can include shortness of breath - which may be why she asked for the oxygen. The fact

Black people are also less likely to be prescribed pain meds than white people because of implicit biases a knot dehumanization, i.e. Black people aren't seen as fully human and so their pain doesn't register as being as significant.

Not about blacks but about Native Americans. Abuse about the system and how she has to spend needless hours dealing with people who don’t really need help.

I have a friend who is an ER physician and though I appreciate many things about her I will listen to her stories and cringe with the amount of casual racism she retells. Not about blacks but about Native Americans. Abuse about the system and how she has to spend needless hours dealing with people who don’t really

Add to the fact medical professionals sometimes have less empathy for black patients

I was just speaking to a woman the other night who had spent about 8 months have all kinds of health issues, mostly debilitating pain, and kept being dismissed as a hypochondriac at the nearest hospital. One night when she was in absolute agony, her husband managed to get an ambulance to take her to another hospital