
I don't have to be creative, your continuing claim is so absurd, you make it easy.

You must be a vegan, that's the only explanation for your dumb comments.

Kangeroo does not remotely taste like beef ( or chicken or pork) liver, moron.

If you can eat a burger but are outraged by eating horse, you are more of a moronic fool than an ardent Trump supporter.

I'd personally eat at El Pollo Loco a thousand times before eating at KFC.

Sorry if you think accepting basic common sense is akin to "surrendering."

That's like saying Detroit isn't the epicenter of the car industry because the first American car company started in Pittsburgh.

And the business of every fast food chain founded in SoCal is also 10-20 times more, at least, than those founded in Wichita.

Yes, theres is a long, long list of places. Del Taco, El Pollo Loco, Baskin Robbins, etc…

EVERY pizza experience at Chuck E. Cheese's is a bad experience, so the odds were against you.

McDonald's, Taco Bell, Jack in the Box, Carl's Jr…. Pretty sure SoCal has Wichita beat by a long shot when it comes to the development of fast food.

Every time I see that poster for the new MacGyver, I want to punch that smug looking D-Bag in the face.

If they wanted to do things a little differently than the source material, they should have killed off Eph and Zach right here, or had them go vamp, and let Nora live. What a better show that might have been.

I don't need luck, just enough silly people in the world not to move here and to jack up my rent because of silly or delusional beliefs. So thank you.

You dont know how much better it is with nice weather all the time until you actually experience it. The water issue in CA means farmers get less water and there will be less lawns, not the end of CA civilization.

I'll take snowpack water from the Sierra Nevada over Great Lakes water any day of the week. The municipal water in Chicago tastes like ass. Great city though, it ranks pretty equally with LA aside from the weather- which is why I could never live in Chicago again after being in LA.

I have lived in Chicago, NYC, DC, and LA. I pick LA as the most cultural of the 4.

Last I heard, Pauly Shore actually took care of his money and is doing well. It's hard to predict who is going to blow their good fortune.

I moved to LA at that age (not for the entertainment industry). Now I have all those things- in LA by the beach.

I just learned to plan around it. Frankly it has been no better or worse for me than living in DC or Chicago.