
Manhattan Beach isn't a bubble? Are you crazy? That's probably THE WORST one. I hope this post is satire.

Good. My rent's high enough, I am happy this silly bias exists against LA. I grew up thinking the same thing (and that it was overrun with gangs). The reality is it is more interesting than Chicago (where I moved from) and the weather is great. And soon, I will be taking the train to work.

They found his kink out because he volunteered it in a discussion about respecting women.

Kinks aren't mental problems. But best to err on the side of caution when a kid talks about hurting other people- there's no way to know if that's just a kink or something more serious. And the mother's intuition is that there is something wrong.

Nothing kills a good date like talking about it with mom afterwards.

I just watched Taylor Swift demand that Jay Z have brunch with her. She's definitely the "marry." Scarlett and Alison will have to duke it out over the other two options.

As Lack of Name points out, the son directly told them when having a discussion of respecting women- it was not a case of accidental discovery.

That was an accident.

You're right.

I have known hundreds, if not thousands, of families with teenagers in my life. This never happens. I am inclined to believe this letter is fake or there is something very amiss with this family that is not revealed in this letter.

That's not what the article says. It says he told his parents he fantasizes about sadistic porn, including inflicting pain and suffering on the girls he dates. There's no discussion of how this subject came up in the first place.

I volunteer working with teenagers. They don't talk about their porn preferences with adults, ESPECIALLY their parents.

Yep. No 15 year old, even in a very open family, wants to talk about porn with his mom.

I would probably take the safe road here and suggest this boy see a psychologist. If the mom, in a family that already seems incredibly open, is this worried, that is clearly a huge red flag.

I just started with EU3 after years (decades) of Civ. EU3 is truly awesome if you get tired of Civ with just as much of a "sandbox" feel.

It's called Duck Dynasty.

Italian beef is sold everywhere in Chicago (and increasingly in LA and other places).  Most Italian beef is mediocre.  Unless you get it from somewhere good (I always liked Al's), it's not that great.

Italian beef is sold everywhere in Chicago (and increasingly in LA and other places).  Most Italian beef is mediocre.  Unless you get it from somewhere good (I always liked Al's), it's not that great.

You forever get a pass for Ghostbusters now for posting this for us.

I was crying with laughter as he told that story.  I'll chalk that up to being a bad person.