smells me some slight east coast bias... and/or no frightful love of Underground Seattle? (it was kinda featured on a episode of Nightstalker)
smells me some slight east coast bias... and/or no frightful love of Underground Seattle? (it was kinda featured on a episode of Nightstalker)
Don’t use ‘good’ as an adverb unless you’re writing dialog for an educationally challenged person. Use ‘well’ against verbs, ‘good’ for nouns. (There are a series of current commercials about “They drive good” which just ruins the product potential)
For the 11th in that list here’s hoping they’ve almost got the screenplay written for “trump: American traitor” (mel gibson could really sink his teeth into that role)
and, my god, the constant quacking.
When you do speak, speak with a gentle quiet tone. Most Europeans (for example) think Americans come in two sorts: Texans and New Yorkers. Speak gently and they’ll think you must be Canadian.
Well there’s a strong geographic dependence, isn’t there? New York City: cf Seinfeld. Seattle: we wad up all potential progress trying to allow someone else access who is also trying to allow someone else access in return.
It’s the entertainment industry reporters’ job to get actors to say stupid things. It’s an actor’s job (well, besides “acting”) to socialize a lot and not say stupid things. It’s the internet poster’s job to post nastiness where-ever it occurs. You’re not suggesting that stupidity ought not to be monetized, are you?…
Cruz has been a known to be maximally vile for decades. Yet somebody must’ve voted for this human imposthume. Could they be contacted by some intrepid reporter and asked why?
During a cardiac care (mostly for ‘AFib’) class “arm circles” were the favorite warm-up and cool-down exercise of the excellent therapists. They are good medicine.
Of course one runs any range extender on a separate band from the main station. So it’s more like the main station is yelling and the extender is repeating with flashing a light - no “packing of airways” involved [eyeskywards]. (and i do not troubleshoot wifi networks for a living. i’m just an ancient nerd so you can…
Of course one runs any range extender on a separate band from the main station. So it’s more like the main station…
name: Linksys RE6300 Wi-Fi range extender
name: Linksys RE6300 Wi-Fi range extender
But but they’re an invasive species, and according to all the (self appointed) natural authorities invasive species must be ripped up root and branch! (“...and since all species came from some where else at some time, humans most notably, ...” “hey, what about the profitable invasive species?” “what, like day traders?…
spot-on! As a amateur scuba diver of too many years, i can tell you the more disgusting a ...loogie shot rubbed into the inside of one’s dive mask, (which your nose is inside of), the more one can see of the amazing undersea world. And while it’s true that divers also learn not to breathe through their noses; or else…
Hear hear! This is a ‘perfect’ posting. Please give Dr Crockett a raise for stating the truth so clearly.
Reese’s eggs have the best peanut butter-to-chocolate ratio;
And suffer being branded a jerk for all eternity (JFAE) if you, sad-soul behind such a polite request, should politely refuse that request. (“..or just say ‘sure! no problem!’ then put on your best insane face and breathe through a wide open mouth”)
why-oh-why not the obvious way: the robot is the battery. The robot-battery swaps itself with the depleted robot-battery who subsequently goes to its roomba-like charging station, and so on infinitum? (well at least for the rated number of charging cycles) (“ok... but the two battery-robots must punch a time clock as…
tribe of cats who come together once a year for a ball in a junkyard to decide which one of them will be sent to the Heaviside Layer, a kind of feline hereafter, to be reborn.
Hear Hear! Between that and her harping on about accusing everyone in the west of promoting regime change, you’ve got to think that she’s been compromised or at least yet another useful idiot. Wise Hawaiians will not re-elect her again (even if she were running)