Fabian Knockwurst

We all do know that any “transcript” which trump releases will be at best a heavily edited (cf Nixon tapes) script?  At worst, it’ll be a complete fabrication. We need the actual whistleblower’s report, at the very least.

Wasn’t there a loop-da-loop suicide ride, as in really intended to kill the riders “Euthanasia [roller]coaster”? Ah yes, [wikipedia]:

If we assume that Pelosi is being honest with her strategies then it all hinges on a significant subpopulation of “the swing voter”. Let’s contemplate anyone who has previously voted for trump; what fraction of those would then conclude “well trump is now revealed to be too nasty for me to vote for him again - guess

Are we terribly surprised? trump rents out our military and pockets the dosh. (via Saudi ‘hotel stays’, real-estate deals, or out-right Deutsche bank mediated bribes). But what will always be surprising are those who watch this, even through the lens of fox propaganda, and are perfectly ok sending their sons and

Cat’s shoulder girdle (scapula, clavicle, ...) aren’t connected to their spinal columns as it is with us primates. Advantage primates: we’re pretty good at tug of war games; advantage felines: if their skull fits, the rest can be expected to squeeze through. ([the more ya know rainbow])

Nicely stated Sir! now prepared your comment deluge for endless tracts of doom and gloom over how we’re already screwed! Which i think we can all have some sympathy for up to a critical point, which is: screwed or not, get your butt to a voting booth and vote for whoever isn’t trump, or your worst fears will become

eh screw that narrowing acceptable age issue (i know of 47 years old who are more ‘senile’ than some 63 year olds). If it’s candidate filters that float yer boat (“you must have these shiny of teeth in order to ride”) then it’s obviously down to an intelligence test. Perhaps a combination of jeopardy championship, a

Probably should be reserved for a grumpy cat, (and that then begs: what are you picking them up for? Unless, they’re being grabbed on the way out of a burning building), but some mention might be made of the rather amazing ‘scruff hold/reflex’. If one gently grabs a handful of the loose skin at the back of the moggy’s

So follow the chain of lies, start with: “Why isn’t the person(s) who issued that false retraction of the national weather service denial fired?” ...since apparently they came up with it on their own? (which of course they didn’t) That is, get everyone on the chain to state the source of their actions, then demand

Personally i think using “x-word” becomes as offensive as the un-abbreviated x-word along with all its baggage and must be ostracized as well. Therefore i’m here proposing a series of tongue-based glottal clicks in morse code to represent the first (or possibly last) letter of the offending word. Later as those become

While I like his impeaching trump policy, I don’t entirely agree with his entitled billionaire candidacy.

alas “the right thing” has been pretty roundly brutalized of late.

Thank you for your coverage and explanation of this quite complex issue, Dr Mirkinson! Here’s hoping as our elder sibling is (apparently) awakening, we too shall discover some spines for good governing on this side of the puddle. (“Can we at least prorogue moscow mitch?”)

Almost makes one wish for a parliamentary system wherein the executive serves at the pleasure of a legislature who may take a vote relatively often as opposed to having to wait until 2020-November and then to suffer through the bogus electoral college system... doesn’t it? ...nahhhh. Nonetheless, there is a modicum of

Dr Boddiger Sir, your coverage is a comfort of kindred spirit to read!

If there is any remaining cunning at our demoralized U.S. intelligence services they already accept that anything they feed to trump is likely to be “unexpectedly released” and (we can hope) they are not only allowing for that but counting upon it. That is, both sides can use the same useful idiots. (“i dunno... he

So they somehow convinced Stephen Miller that tattooing a serial number on their wrists still had bad optics?

i’d go one stage beyond “O’Donnell’s information isn’t necessarily wrong” to state “that’s really the only way Deutsche Bank would agree to such huge loans to trump”. It just the vastly more likely explanation for what is already readily observed: trump has huge loans which aren’t being actively collected, and trump

Nicely done! (i’m honored to have provided some minuscule motivation). By the bye, the way I attempt to explain comprise is via its etymology. Comprise coming to us with the direct object taking of containing and not composing.

oo oo... do to comprise next!