We called ‘em: “out-fielders”; that is, beekeepers who moved their beehives around to follow the honeyflow and crop pollination needs. A dauntless bunch of very resourceful folks.
We called ‘em: “out-fielders”; that is, beekeepers who moved their beehives around to follow the honeyflow and crop pollination needs. A dauntless bunch of very resourceful folks.
Why did trump relent against all that Bolton/Pompeo/hawkish war pressure? Because trump is deep inside a peace loving humanist? Because trump recalls being occasionally against the Iraq war (when it was proving messy)? naaaah. Here’s a wager of three and a half rubles that Putin’s leverage over trump is vastly greater…
Well done... well, almost done. The whole antivax matter fits right into the long historical pattern of religion for bucks. Which consists of a large group of scared/desparate ignorant folks and a couple of immoral flim-flam-ers, (To quote L.Ron.Hubbard: “If you want to get rich, you start a religion” ..and yes, he…
Of course you-all may unaccountably deny it all you like, there are entries in scientific journals of good standing that have done actual studies and while rice isn’t as effective a desiccant as Drierite(tm) (Calcium Sulfate) or silica gel, it does function as a slow desiccant and is used to dry out electronics which…
Well yes, whoever wins the Democratic nomination gets my vote. One of the few ways that trump managed to eke out a win the electoral college vote was because so many likely progressive voters were grumpy, distracted, or just stupid, and didn’t vote in 2016. So for the love of the republic: in the general election be…
Good posting all around! There were many celebrated “socialists” (particularly around 19th century France), and they all had their own specific notions about what the term meant. It includes a very broad spectrum running from the delightful “entirely public funded education” to the extreme “there shall be no privately…
Senator Sherrod Brown deserves these same sort of “putting the republic ahead of self-promotion” kudos as well. In passing, it should be stated that he has the best voice of any national politician. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sherrod_Brown)
McConnell to trump: “can’t hold Senate Republicans together on issue of Mexican tariffs - too much of their personal wealth at risk - abandon the effort and spin it to look like we won”
I’ve never been pro- Biden but it’s better to change one’s mind to the proper stance rather than demonstrate..
Really needs to have Tom Cruise added in there near the top.
There has long been an east-coast west-coast environmental focus. That is, environmental policies are typically more likely and more significant in the west. Governor Inslee, for example, comes from about as west as possible - the political parties tend to an east-coast point of view. This explains part of the…
As a age-worn urban beekeeper I doff my beekeepers’ veil to you. Thank you for this post!
The stunning feature of Mr Holzhauer for me will be not that he figured out to ‘start at the bottom’ or ‘bet it all on the daily doubles’ but that he apparently knows the answers to nigh every question in the known universe. That is, he’s apparently the greatest trivia master of all time since IBM’s Watson was allowed…
i wasn’t remotely wishing to appear smug. quite the contrary, i was hoping (and expecting) that the British people would be much more visibly active in resisting anything trump (certainly moreso than at any American ‘rally’)
A massive protest is planned for Tuesday at London’s Trafalgar Square so that the “world will know that people here reject him and his toxic politics,”
psst... we’re boycotting/avoiding major corporations which are headquartered in Georgia. That would be: UPS, Coca-cola, Home Depot and, Delta (yes yes we know that Delta has paid Mr McAllister and friends so they can buy new shoes and what-not — but how about currying the interests of corporations outside of the…
psst... we’re boycotting/avoiding major corporations which are headquartered in Georgia. That would be: UPS,…
The British leadership know what trump is, why are they going ahead with this? Because (say i) they are desperate to firm up some business/banking opportunities now that they have @#$ed-up their connections to the EU with Brexit. However, even at this much they’ve overestimated trump-n-company; trump neither has…
Reality TV host was probably his favorite and ‘best’ function. It’s certainly been a precipitous fall through the basement of the Peter Principle since then, (to the detriment of the entire planet)
yep, and ageist too. (male politicians over 70 often get a break in the ‘media’, whereas females never do)
A brutal headline, but undeniably accurate. Given the current political climate the only good moderate is a dead one. (“but wait, Biden’s approval ratings are better than anyones’!” ...thanks to some ‘super-accurate’ polling done by phoning 7000 numbers and basing all their results on the barely 1000 who would answer…