
when using the Summon feature, you’re supposed to stop it once the vehicle gets in the position you want

Yes you are the only person.

You think mercenary tow truck drivers aren’t also MAGA idiots?  I would think that Venn Diagram is a plain circle.

Or some cashier kept saying they could and then laughed as they all got towed away.

How dare you suggest selling re-branded meat with a ridiculous markup at a consumer electronics store was a failure enterprise? I’m shocked.

Don’t hold your breath. The robots are completely fake. Even if you believe they work, think about this: take a look at the design and imagine how big could the battery in them possibly be, and imagine how long they could actually function on that battery. Under 10 minutes at best while holding nothing?

do not taunt CT 

EVs with eleventy-billion horsepower and instant acceleration. What could possibly go wrong in the hands of the unwashed masses, even when they are working properly - never a given with a Tesla product.


He’s also failing all of them by being stark raving insane, but that’s a different matter.

The internet was a mistake.

I can understand this, high narrow bridges scare me but I tough it out. Of course none of the bridges in Oregon are 4 miles long. I think the St. Johns Bridge is the one that gets me the most when I ride a bicycle on it, even the Marquam and Fremont aren’t as scary on the Providence Bridge Pedal.

You know what really should be a crime this woman is charged with?

Carter tells the paper he has never been a fan of the limelight,

yes, but pointing and laughing is definitely ok

I fail to see a problem with the cars logic.

I desperately need to justify paying what I did for a Tesla, please look at my pictures and believe that this thing will have any resale value” - All recent Tesla buyers

It’s such a joy watching this company destroy itself.

Lol, Blackrock would be included in the group of scumbags who are pushing crypto to rip off illiterate crypto bros. Everyone with a brain understands crypto at this point - understands what an absurd scam it is.