
Took me quite a long time to realize that the gas gauge has an arrow indicating which side the filler is on.

Correction: Image shows service attendant refilling blinker fluid- completely non-combustible.

If you’re showing bar graphs without any axis label, why use “higher is better” on some and “lower is better” on others? It just adds confusion.

but it’s a dry heat...

This was pitch perfect. I’m pretty sure the real Spicer would love a podium he could pick up and beat people with.

Presumably a war with China would put a halt to all US/China trade; if this were to happen the US would lose access to pretty much all computer parts, cell phones, car electronics, and a million other types of household and business electronics. I don’t think it is even possible to buy a computer of any type that

How long until he flies AF1 ?

He fixed all this with one single tweet, he’s so tremendously efficient !

She has the wrong skin color for a harsher sentence.

If your poop is metallic and shiny, please seek the attention of a physician.

Gabe should run for President. Seems right up his alley considering the terms stop at 2.

Yeah, should have sent them to some kids in Africa.


Because Gizmodo likes to be a WISEASS and stir the flames

It’s just a car battery, I’ll do it with tap water, better yet I will touch the terminals with my bare hands... The human body has too much resistance it’s not going to hurt you.

what about the fans who are inspired by buu

This is supposed to convince those muppets that the landing wasn’t faked? They’ll just say that with today’s technology it’s even easier to fake a landing and create fake images that “proves” the landing happened.