

Clarkson tackled this one, speed never killed anyone, suddenly coming to a stop is what does it.


In all fairness the reason he won is because the people voting are all about the show. Hence why the only issues that came up during this election were emails and bigot comments. If the people cared about real issues that directly effect them, those two candidates wouldn’t have been running.

ESA’s entry in the contest:

When I cross one way streets, I also look the other way to make sure nobody goes the wrong way. Probably paranoid, but still.


Announcing GTAV blood bank heist in honor of Halloween!

I’m no structural engineer, but I did make bridges using popsicle sticks in 4th grade, so in my expert opinion someone should of either

“Our culture is filled with bars and strip clubs on every corner.”

Say what you want about homeboy’s complete lack of basic self-preservation instincts, but he fucking stuck that landing.

Automatic ignition systems are for GLORY BOYS who don’t know how to drive cars like REAL MEN

They should build ports safely away from the oceans :-/

If a guy came up to me, splayed his face feathers out like that, and did a little dance - I’d probably hook up with him.

this doesn’t even look real. I thought it was fake until i watched the whole clip

His supporters are too stupid to even understand what this means.

Because thanks to the politicians creating loopholes to help the wealthy avoid paying taxes he’s probably in the clear as far as tax evasion.

Silence, peasant! Real lasagna gets bechemel, if you want ricotta go get a stouffer’s!