
Film gets made, everyone loves it and it does well, so of course decades later it will be remade to cash in again. It’s almost like it’s the...

There’s no car manufacturing in NZ, so we get whatever the Aussies and Japanese are willing to ship over in exchange for hobbit fur and signed photos of Gandalf.

YEAH! I mean what does a presidential nominees stance on cyber security have ANYTHING to do with technology? I mean really! What kind of operation is this!?

Pretty sure that’s a lambo, dude.

Green Bugatti? Bad taste

The guy at home:

Gotta get a crane to haul it out. Rent it from U-kraine.

Why even rescue them? The problem solved itself

Hey, hold my vodka...

No matter how big the boat is, the mass the elevator lifts will always be the same, as the mass of water displaced is equal to the mass of the ship. Thanks Archimedes!

This is the best video of the lizard (turn your volumen up).

Man, this guy....

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Well, the serious answer is the boring one: It’s about navigating restricted waters with very large ships.

Seriously, do yourself a favor and go read the reviews. You’ll thank me later.

Someone please send him a copy of this book....

Irrelevant sacks of water carbon units

We gaze upon god, maker of the stars.