
It’s kind of appropriate to pair off Batman and Orko, because Orko in the original Filmation He-Man series was essentially the exact same character as Bat-Mite from Filmation’s earlier The New Adventures of Batman in 1977. They’re both small, hovering beings from another dimension, they both have essentially magic

Ah, 90s memories...

“As a Venture Bros fan I can wait. 6 months is nothing.”

The kids are going to be in college by the end of season 5 (I think they are aiming for 5 right?). Well, probably the final season will be senior year.

I don’t understand the hand wringing over economy class seats. You are paying as little as possible to get to your destination safely and (sometimes) on-time. The airlines have recognized that the only driver for 95+% of all airfare purchasers is price, so they de-content and cram seats in so that they can compete on

the present Star Wars media we’re getting alongside that merchandise has reforged Vader back into the legitimately haunting figure he was when he first silently strode onto the deck of the Tantive IV in A New Hope.

I highly recommend the comics and I never thought I’d buy, let alone truly love, a Darth Vader comic. Both runs are terrific for different reasons. Even Aphra, who doesn’t seem to really belong in SW, manages to work because of Gillen’s writing.

On the flip side of the viscerally-terrifying Vader, the most recent volume of the Vader comic has done a magnificent job showing how his more cerebral side (mostly Anakin legacy stuff, which why I’m so affectionate towards it) ties in with his unbelievably powerful mastery of the Force. This is probably in my top 3

A star wars horror movie with DV as the killer would be awesome. Maybe he hunts down a group of jedi after order 66 and picks them off one by one? And each one being killed a different way. 

Why debate? I’m with you in that I would have loved having Luke return full of new Jedi platit..err wisdom so that he, Rey, and Chewie can save the day.  However I’m able to let go of that and enjoy the story (less told) of the legend who is reminded that he is just a man. 

Let me put it in simpler terms.

Correct, but going to Empire State Aerosciences Museum, near Buffalo I believe. 

I think you’ll agree upon rewatch. I’m pretty sure that the disagreement was never about whether it’d work, but whether it’d harm Pym’s wife.