On his last podcast he had a conversation with his pilot. Seemed like the guy had a lot of experience and was super dedicated to his job. Hopefully they can determine the cause of the incident. Glad everyone is well.
At one of the early F1 USGPs in Indy (2000-2003ish) they ran historic GP cars. My buddy and I were drooling over a classic Embassy-Hill car from the 70s while a mechanic was waxing it. We started talking with him and after a while he asked if we wanted to help. We jumped at the chance and were soon behind the ropes. Be…
I’m wondering if Alonso might have an equity stake in McLaren and that’s why he hasn’t moved on. Brown also lets him do about whatever he wants, so there’s that too. Do you think McLaren will get their racing mojo back or are they focused too much on the road cars for that to happen right now?
My 2003 VIII is moving from DD status to fun car duty. I’ve got a new clutch put into and a fresh timing belt. I need to refresh the dust boots on the front calipers. It has been a reliable toy for 16 years and 150,000 miles. I still don’t know where I can find the same kind of bang for the buck compared to the Evo.
Went to Monza three years ago. Amazing event, great enthusiasm at the track and good fun in town. The facilities though are held together by good intentions and a layer of cigarette residue. Le Mans has the even worse public facilities, but it is still a solid member of the list.
Indy, Talladega , the US Nationals, Le Mans and F1 at Monza are races that everyone should attend once. Amazing events. Indy in particular is so rich in pomp and history and the facility is wonderful.
There is a remarkable amount of data out there around airliner performance. Everything from on time to complaints to list bags. Yet, so many people ignore that info. If you value your time and want a nice experience then go with the top of the list. If you just want to go from A to B, eventually then roll the dice.
Set up international data, text and calling before you go. They generally only charge for the days that it is activated and the cost isn’t that bad.
Points are the work of the devil. Taking little cars through drive-ins is good fun. We have a right hand drive classic Mini. One of my daughters favorite things is taking it through the drive through so she can manage the transaction. It always gets a laugh from the folks working the window.
I thought project Chuck Lee was still classified! It unleashed a wave of awesome that was so intense that it couldn’t be controlled.
It’s technical. I like the way it sounds though. ;)
As an engineer, my guess is that it’s saved 3 seconds on the production line. Even more likely is that they were able to twist the arm of the strut manufacturer to include it as part of an assembly as opposed to having to make the bracket seperstley themselves.
Ah, man. He has Minardi stuff? I love Minardi stuff.
My mom and dad each had one when I was little. They would bundle me up and we would go run the power lines east of Seattle. It was huge fun for a toddler. They stayed around until I was about 10. An Odyssey was really how I learned to drive and it made the transition to full sized cars much easier. I still want one…