
If only the immediately preceding movie had featured a Goddess of Death or something, played by a multiple Oscar award winning actress.

Honestly, I hated that bit for the opposite reason. As far as we’re made aware, Ghost’s plan only may kill Janet, while saving Janet gives the good guys days to weeks to figure out an alternate way of saving Ghost.

I sort of get it Ghost was in constant pain so she is not thinking clearly and in her mind she has a goal in sight and then these idiots are saying wait let’s start over with your last few weeks to live.

I mean, not trying to make the argument that Ghost was in the right on this one, but I don’t know how anyone expected her to believe that that was really possible. At that point, she’d already been told that she had maybe a couple of weeks to live, and she’s supposed to risk her one chance on the possibility that the

but like you said maybe, they didn't know if she could.  So they went with the way they knew would work.

This! I kept looking for flaws in Douglas’ de-aging, and couldn’t find any!

In Ghost’s defense, she has no reason or incentive to trust the judgment of one convicted fella and two other people running away from the Feds, one of them a person who her surrogate father distrusts like hell.

Why would Ghost or Foster trust Pym when they blame him to begin with?

The desperate young woman who was close to death decided to go through with the plan the person she trusts came up with, and not to trust that the person she has been trained since she was a young child to believe is a soulless terror responsible for her father’s death, who by the way took 30 years to figure out how

I understood that Ghost was desperate and insane with her being, being pulled apart every second.

I thought the de-aging tech was on point - I couldn’t see any trace of uncanny valley, it truly looked like they plucked Douglas, Pfeiffer and Fishburne out of the 90s to cameo in this movie.  (Ok, Morpheus looked a tiny bit off in the flashback)

Ghost was just there to sell the movie as a comic book movie. The plot of the movie was to save Janet and Ghost was the least of the impediments. Plus, she wasn’t as funny as the FBI or the crime boss. 

Great eyes! I saw those V-braces on the fuselage and had to call up the film to verify the placement; the side rails match as well.  Talk about not just _A_ Hercules, but _THE_ Hercules.

Spooky throws boom at others. YMC-130H throws boom at itself.

This might sound weird, but stuff like this is exactly why I read these comments. There’s something really satisfying about seeing something mysterious in an article, only to get to the comments to see that someone knew exactly what it was. You even came back identifying which specific airframe it was!

Hell yes! This thing is ridiculous. Engineer: Fuck it, let’s put rockets on this thing and see what happens. Air Force: Sure, why not? Engineer: Sweet!

I’m a big fan of 63-7773, the C-130 I first deployed on, now on static display at Fort Indiantown Gap in Pennsylvania.

I believe the AC-130 Spectre gunship retains the title for most badass Hercules. From the web: “The AC-130H Spectre was armed with two 20 mm M61 Vulcan cannons, one L60 Bofors 40 mmcannon, and one 105 mm M102 howitzer; after 1994, the 20 mm cannons were removed. The upgraded AC-130U Spooky has a single 25 mm GAU-12

There were three of them.. Two ended up going back to work afterwards, and this one kept those hard points.  I didn’t know there were three.

I do believe you are correct. The Museum of Aviation who owned and displayed the aircraft no longer lists it on their displayed aircraft list. Makes me wonder if it was sold or is going to some sort of restoration/scrap. There’s no news that I can find about anyone acquiring it.