
When it’s intact, a Lockheed C-130 can haul 45,000 pounds of pretty much whatever into the sky.

Good eye.  Even the gray camo spots match pretty close.

I didn’t know they built 3 of them, I thought it was a one off! 

Same type of one from Operation Credible Sport, I believe. Amazing story.

Hard to say. Even at the top level of sim racing, it’s not cheap to get in - you need a pretty decent-to-good PC, which will run you a few hundred dollars to a thousand(and that’s just in the US, in other countries, parts prices can be much higher), plus a wheel and pedal setup which will run you another $150-$300,

Luke being a super cynical old man makes perfect sense to me, so much so that I seriously don’t understand those who are upset that Luke isn’t the idealist of the original trilogy. Yes, he was super idealistic...when he was young, but age and experience and seeing what happened with his nephew have chipped away at him

It’s Monday again! Time to start off a new week by heading out deep into the forest until you find a clearing, where you can pick your forest-fresh Ford Cortina for the week.

I remember watching Jeff Corwin on Animal Planet talking about how the vast majority of the time a human gets bit by a rattlesnake, it involves alcohol, then finished off with “guess what, the snake wasn’t drinking!” In other words, if you see a snake, just leave it alone and everyone gets out alive. It takes a lot of

Once on a walk through the desert, I heard what sounded like a lawn sprinkler system. I was pretty confused as to why there was a lawn sprinkler system in the middle of a goddamn desert.

govdeals.com is currently doing this to me.

Dear Mr Tracy,

Music by Jenny Lewis and Florence and the Machine?

I’m flying out tomorrow evening. Jalopnik meet up?