
Looks like they finally got that thing I sent them

Don’t forget Mount St. Helens.

Aunt May wielding the Infinity gauntlet.

Sometimes, the bump goes on the track too. A huge thanks to whoever put that there!

Star Wars hipsters *shudders*

I enjoyed the hell out of this! Scott Patey was perfect, it is funny, smart and well written/produced. Their commitment to the video profile form with the background music, cutaways to illustrations, childhood footage and history of this particular craft showed a wonderful attention to detail. Now where can I get an

We went once, in 2011. Seeing the drivers you know plus a bunch of other folks brought in is awesome when on the grid. Garages are open, the cars are out. We saw a bunch of factory drivers and driver-celebrity folks like Sabine Schmidt and Chris Harris, before we knew he was Chris Harris.

I’d introduce people to Farscape with “Crackers Don’t Matter”. However, I think “Crichton Kicks” might be my choice for “single favorite episode”, only because of the “single episode” part. I think Farscape could do multi-ep arcs better than almost anyone before or since: “Look at the Princess”, “Liars, Guns, and

You absolutely need to set aside a day, get ahold of the DVDs (local public library!) and watch them straight through. The insane fans that upvote all things Firefly on every poll everywhere put a damper on people wanting to see the show. But of the 13 episodes, I would say at least 10 are absolutely top notch

This was the first thing that came to mind. I feel like there’s probably another one in some show. But I’ve watched this episode about ten times.

I bloody love “Crackers Don’t Matter”.

The one thing always really, really bugged me about DNA Mad Scientist though... is that it doesn’t really treat Zhaan’s motivations properly. Like, if they’d properly implemented the character development from That Old Black Magic (where Zhaan demonstrates that she has some pretty nasty demons, and has the capacity to

I was going to post Out of Gas.

Now playing

33 from BSG. Sorry, can’t find a good clip (here’s the cast below), but it’s masterful pacing and constant tension made me sit up and take notice.

Either Doctor Who: “Blink” or The X-Files: “Jose Chung’s From Outer Space”