
How about someone the audience already knows...

How many blu-ray discs would it take to make a full commentary track of this movie done like this? Because I would buy all of them!

Thanks bud.

This is good Jalopnik.

Cheadle’s dude is priceless.

I remember when the video came out last year I was so sure it was real because he behaves exactly like I do when I’m TOO drunk... and of course loads of people gave me shit for saying it looked real and not like a “bit”.

It is never really established that the MCU’s Collector is an Elder (or the Grandmaster for that part when I think about it).

So what about about bugs, fish (are the dolphins really more intellegent than people?) and all the other life out there

We were talking about that, at not point did their army meet the others inside the treeline. They met in the open field, across a stream and in front of the barrier.

I’m curious as to whether Agents of Shield and the Netflix shows will address that literally 50% of all life is now dead.

This is why so many automotive journalist graduate to creating sponsored content.

I dunno. Her article actually said that F1 was still fun to watch, but that the whinging for bygone eras and the negative post-race coverage had kind of ruined it for her. This seems consistent with that perspective.

I think the best idea would be luring Godzilla to a breach and setting him loose in the Precursor dimension.