
Probably should’ve grabbed some Colt 45.

The only way this trailer could get me more hyped up for this movie is if Jason Statham punched the fucking megalodon on the noggin

From what I understand in the late eighties Honeywell helped a few in-house toolmakers secure loans to set up their own shops to outsource the work to (and break up their in-shop unions), those people involved promptly sold (cashed out) the shops ( and contract work), the people who bought them didn’t necessarily know

NG is flying headlong into the financial Danger Zone.

I still pisses me off that they wasted the opportunity to FINALLY see Chewie lose his shit on people after Han is killed. I mean seriously they should have had him rip someones arm off and beat someone else with it. That was the perfect time to show it.

Weirdly, there was a rumor before The Force Awakens came out that Chewbacca was going to have a cybernetic arm. Turns out, he was just shot in the arm at some point in the movie and had a bandage for the remainder.

We are all just throwing out speculation, but I agree with invanz. Since in the Star Wars universe it appears they have mastered anti-gravity completely, building in atmosphere is a LOT cheaper, both in lifting materials and what your construction crews have to wear and carry to survive. Even simple mining of

Eh. Ever since JJ Abrams showed the Enterprise being built ON THE GROUND IN IOWA, it’s been downhill for realistic portrayals of big star ships being constructed.

I was baffled more by the locomotive sandwich. In order for that to work, doesn’t the track need to hover? Why not make the tracks grounded, and the train hovery? You’d save a fortune on hover fuel.

Well...I’d imagine that they would be super heavy...maybe it’s so they wouldn’t have to lift it into space after construction?

I am of the opposite opinion.

Is JJ Abrams involved in this movie too? He had the JJprise built on Earth when it was shown on Star Trek Voyager that starships were built in space. Only way to explain it is maybe its easier to build ships in a atmosphere since construction crews don’t need to wear spacesuits. But then again they could build them

They’re definitely leaning into a space-Western motif with this movie so I think it works.

Counterpoint: the music in this trailer is substantially better and more interesting than any of the knock-off-John-Williams stuff that appeared throughout Rogue One.

The one thing I’ll say is that Disney has nailed the look of Star Wars films. Every single one of the new movies has been gorgeously shot, in different ways.

Solid looking trailer - while I still don’t know if we needed this movie, I’m happy to have what looks like a more intimate, character driven story. That’s where I think these standalones can really shine - small stories as opposed to over-the-top epics set in a very large and somewhat familiar universe.

One of my parents worked for a major cruise line for a few years. Absolutely agree.