
I think Hamill would be a terrific Starscream!

Now playing

Honestly, most good WW2 themes can be used.

You can make an argument that Patty Jenkins wasn’t one of the top five directors last year and that omitting her in the category wasn’t a snub.

As good as WW was, it wasn’t that good that Jenkins deserved a nomination for it. It was a really good action/superhero movie, but that’s about as far as that goes.

I see this two different ways,

And more importantly, compare his defense against the indictment. Most notably, he’s defending himself against things other than what he’s going to jail for.

Hey, I rigged and animated the CG Black Panther for this commercial. Fun fact—when I received the mesh asset for rigging, I hid the mask geometry to start working on rigging the body, and discovered that under the mask was a very recognizable model of Chadwick Boseman’s face! I’m guessing the whole model was

(Brain voice) Yes!

One. Fucking. Take.


Buried lede. Pinky and the Brain is on streaming.

It is literally on the first paragraph of the International Travel info page. Also mentioned when booking.

It may interest you to know that a sixteen-year-old of my acquaintance was convinced that that *was* what was going on in the movie, and she was therefore momentarily a little bit confused when back on the island, Luke collapsed in exhaustion. She’d been convinced that he’d been dead all along, especially since he did

Vader was also old, when you think about it. Because even if he’s not as old as obi-wan, he’s... seriously messed up, on top of his age. Limbs replaced with mechanical parts, covered in scars, probably in constant pain. He’s scary because he has telekinetic powers and will absolutely murder people at the drop of a

I’m still in awe of how something most Star Wars fans I know refuse to watch because it’s a cartoon can make better use of light+shadow than some movies.