
This whole thing is weird, right? It’s not just me?

Do you think Ryan Reynolds actually sits down in costume for every Deadpool 2 ad spot that isn’t just footage from the actual movie

Do you think Ryan Reynolds actually sits down in costume for every Deadpool 2 ad spot

The world is not—and arguably never will be—prepared for Realistic Popeye

Hi! International flight attendant here.

Now playing

Really. I really have to do this, ugh kids..............................

Some how my neighbor go one of these and it looked like is was brand new. As soon as it stopped snowing he was out there hooning the shit out of it up and down the street.

Calling it now. Deadpool cameo is Maggott! Come on Maggott! Not the mutant we want, but the one we deserve.

It’s another snow day here in New York, but I came prepared with this 924 Carrera GTS Rallye. What’s your ideal snow day car?

Don’t lie... it will yours too for the same reason.

Not everything has to be super deep and complicated and moving.

My 16 year-old openly chides me for looking forward to seeing this movie. However, my inner 11-year-old is stoked.

That’s about where these movies belong: a good watch on a Saturday afternoon with your kids.

heh My little girl is pretty excited about it, so I think we’ll have a fun time. FYI, I may do a write up on it over on O-Deck in the next couple of days, but the same company what did a Kickstarter for a Highlander board game has one up for Pac Rim now. Looks like fun. 

Many people have forgotten that the reason Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. came to Memphis in the spring of 1968, and the reason he was standing on that balcony at the Lorraine Motel when he was assassinated, was to show support and solidarity for waste disposal workers who were being treated to inhuman working conditions