
Yeah, that hurt my brain.

Just mine the materials needed from the nearest handy asteroid belt and smelt using solar power. Easier to do in orbit, a Lagrange point or just out in the nothingness.

Also, why would you out build a ship like a Star Destroyer in the atmosphere like that?

I wonder if the music will transfer through the movie or if they will go with more traditional Star Wars orchesterial and funky bar stuff? I’m liking the choices they have made for the trailers.

Ha! We did that Norwegian cruise around Hawaii in 2002 that had to go over a 1000 south to avoid fines. We stopped at Kiribati. What was awesome was there was a typhoon to the west of us. We had 25ft seas, a 25kt headwind and we were doing 25kts ourselves. It was awesome!

You are incorrect about the Countache. As a penance for your wrong mindedness you must watch the intro to Cannonball Run 2. I will watch it with you.

Went to the LeMay museum in Tacoma today. I was struck by the glorious color palettes that were used. Sure, there were a handful of black and white cars, but the blues, greens and reds outweighed them. It was wonderful.

Should have hooned in the snow. Epic fun.

I’m sure it will be fun.

I need to look into that. The dude loves board games!

And yet, this will likely become my 11 year old son’s favorite movie simply because it has a bunch of giant robots beating up on giant monsters. There is nothing wrong with that either.

I had a 97 GS-T in royal green. I would post a picture, but kinja. I loved that thing. Fun and enough power. Kind of like the 86 today. Moved on from it when the Evo came over in 2003.

Just guessing.

Now I might going to spend my weekend looking for black bonnet stripes and rally lights for our white 90 Mini.

Is this simply because trailers are scored to music and follow 4/4 rhythm? The music can just basically pop in? Assuming you have something suitable then off you go?

Skystriker (F-14) scale?

One of the best stories of the race. They had good backing from Honda, but it is still largely a volunteer operation. Also, any engineering org, regardless of discipline, benefits from having folks willing to turn a wrench on the staff.

Just have the Tesla logo or a wheel hanging on a wall in the background.

Would there have been followup as to why they scuttled the Star Destroyer? Seems like a waste.