
She won the mostly white DeKalb County 51 percent to 49 percent, and Reed won the larger, mostly black Fulton County 51 percent to 49 percent.

Hand. Not hands. It can be arranged.

I bough a car from Flavien. He makes it pretty easy to import one into the States.

ALways fun to see folks working on something they are passionate about.

So, you are saying we need Billy West as well?

Nice piece. I was looking for one just like it for a classic Mini last night. This type of thing is really useful for new owners.

Nerd Question 2: what does grilled Sith smell like anyway? I imagine the inside of Vader’s suit would have a serious funk, but toss all that on the bar-b and I would guess it would go to eye watering. Also, there is a fair chance that an Ewok took a crap in it after it cooled as well.

From what I understand, Porsche and a lot of other high priced brands, function through direct purchase in large parts of the world. Cars are built to order and delivered.

I was lucky enough to meet Wally Funk, on of the Mercury 13, on Tuesday.she has lived a remarkable life and still has a passion for space and aviation. She certianly would have been chosen. Seeing a bit of that on screen would be fantastic.

Ha! Yeah I messed that up.

Ok, how many days/minutes after delivery and how many miles/feet (km/meters for the Canadians) before the first car bites it? First Cars and Coffee city to wreck one?

It is time for Sebastian Bach to shine on the WRC stage. We will save Sebastian Stan for the next reincarnation.

Would be especially cool if it was Kylo who was chasing him or vice-versa. Skywalker vs Skywalker-Solo with Luke just schooling Kylo.

I’m thinking it is a “I have a dangerous mission that I need to do alone so that no one else is in peril” situation and he takes the Falcon for that.

I want Luke to be the one flying the Falcon in that chase scene. Just wringing it out and showing that he has the Skywalker flying skills still.

1955 Chevy one ton flatbed when I was 9 or 10. This is not the actual truck, but you get the idea. We had a farm for a short while and I drove while my dad loaded hay bales in the field. It had a granny gear, so it was easy enough to get going. The lack of power steering was challenging when I was little.

The 2005 Mini Cooper S has a harmonic balancer that attaches to the crack shaft and acts as your accessory drive pully. It is a metallic ring press fit to the crank, with a rubber donut that attaches to the crunchy outer metal shell.

BMF. A little good and a little bad gets you a purple lightsaber.

Our new Odyssey has over 270 HP. Its no dog.

I just lived through something similar. Our family hauler Evo VIII was totaled and my wife requested a 6 seater to haul the kids, their friends and gear. After a ton of research the winner was the Honda Odyssey. New ones our outside the $25K limit so go used, but you can haul a ton of stuff, tow a bit more and do it