
I thought that it was established that was Iden Versio’s father?

I saw him do it at DragonCon this year. It was awesome. There were a number of little kids in the room, including my 7 year old daughter, and when he went into the voice their eyes got so wide. It was fantastic.

The crew of the Ghost has a desperate mission to unite with Obi-Wan and Bale Organa on Alderaan. They arrive after a battle with the Empire scarred, but ready for the next phase and then...

Now playing

Loved, loved, loved my Evo VIII. Loved it so much that after it got totaled last summer I held onto it. It will live again. Still, even as early as 2003 when I bought it Mitsubishi was starting to loose its way.

I saw it and I know you did as well. I know the show strokes our nostalgia, but I just don’t care. There is so much goodness in there and a fun story to boot.

They might.

It is 2017. We have had big budget movie toy tie-ins since 1977. This is nothing new and people need to relax.

They react like for like with Force users. You’re cool and they are cool. You’re bad and they rip your face off. That’s how Snoke got so ugly.

A TME? That is awesome. What’s your plan with that?

A wise choice in light of the situation. There is just no good way to have a traditional con style panel related to Punisher this close to the Vegas attack.

Ditto. They are great guys. I’m guessing that if they use the world feed they won’t retain them.

I was lucky enough to get this shot in 2007 of McNish. He is looking. Right. At. Me

Urbaniack mentioned at a panel at DragonCon that they were working on it. They also showed a video highlighting a book containing a bunch of art from the show. It looks amazing.

I have had puffin in Iceland and it was tasty. That would explain why Luke looks well fed.

This. My daughter already has more big eyed kitty toys than is healthy. Now this.

We hit it last October. Still held up, but I wondered how many of the kids in the room knew what it was.

Our 10 year old dude said it was the coolest thing he ever saw. This is my favorite pic from totality.

I remember seeing it and I was around 10. The things going into their ears totally creeped me out.

I drove it years ago and the marshals were on the spot when there was an incident. Plenty of yellow flags and cones. If you show up immediately after the incident then you are probably hosed.

Ever since the term blobbies was appropriated by the Centaris, and after the events of the gelatinous decimation of 213957, the prefered term is bloboid thank you.