
Sigh...just another example of the bipedal, humanoid form bias in this eon’s media. It is about time that the blob, non symmetric, non describable and randomly scattered (BnSnDRS) members of our society see equal representation in entertainment.

Doing it before it before it was cool.

The 220 looks pretty good in person. Big.

It is still less strict than traveling around the rest of the world where you need to pull out anything with wires.

As long as he talks like he tweets we are in good shape.

Toss in John Force for color and you have a winner.

This is how excited that I am. Maybe more! I was right around their age in 1984. Dressed like the Ghostbusters, played the video games (Discs of Tron was my favorite), lived out in the country and the whole nine yards. This show captures all the feels.

Now playing

Porsche seriously needs to bring back the rally car in a big way. I love Le Mans and all that, but Porsches in the dirt are the best.

Grew up in the same area. Found a civil defence document about likely targets in the PNW in the library. I hadn’t thought about all the dams and the passes being targets as well. Lots of boom.

That is just a normal summer afternoon in Indiana.

Avenger HQ is is Porsche Cars North America HQ in Atlanta. Porsche and Audi are owned by the same parent company. I would wager that the Avengers get to use the building in partial trade for consideration for some hero cars here and there.

Flight dynamics.

Plenty of good racing in LeMons, just some people go weirder than others.

The organizers will give huge waivers for things that make them laugh.

I’ve heard about the Containers podacast and want to listen. Working through the MIT Systems Engineering Course discussing development of the Space Shuttle. They have 4 hours with Chris Craft from mission control. Its epic.

My good man, velocipedes might work for your conundrum. They are all the rage with a certain crowd.

That carriage looks crazy. Where does the horse go?