
Bring it.

I’ve pondered the R350 for sure. One of these as well...

This is relavant. My wife and I have lived with kids in a Mini and an Evo for 10 years. She now wants 6 seats. The thought of a van pains me, but her happiness is my goal. Good to hear they are ok.

Don’t look at the nutritional info on the Costco dogs. You don’t need to know.

I’m pretty well already sold, aside from not having $205K sitting around, so I can’t haz from my own means. That said, how does it hold up as an everyday DD supercar? That was the claim to fame for the old NSX.

That right there is a demonstration of how amazing our tech has become.

Harry’s great-great grandmother Hazel Evanora Potter is not often mentioned in the discussion of the Potter family tree. Her rumored taste for the flesh of small children and protected magical rabbits brought her in front of the Ministry of Magic on a number of occasions. She was even caught laying traps around the

I can’t argue with her logic. She wasn’t the worse part of the movie by a long way. Even Howard wasn’t that bad.

Lots of things have to go right to finish the 24hr. Not getting wrecked is one of them!

I hope people understand that the failure of the Toyotas and Porsches is not a condemnation of hybrid race cars. Lack of numbers and heat increased the likeliness of this happing. It was damn hot yesterday and is going to be hotter today. More failures can happen in the rest of the field.

I was surprised that their insurance would allow jumps without a HANS to begin with.

Would hoon.

ACO, but yeah.

I had not made the connection. That is pretty awesome.

I thought Blue Thunder told a better story. The choppers were both cool, and I still lust after a Bell 222.

Oh, I remember Voyagers! Good fun.

I’ve managed a large group of engineers for an aerospace company for the last 10 years and have gotten a reputation as someone who only hires car people. The fact of the matter is that they have proven to be successful in our org. They aren’t afraid to get dirty, they understand how machines work, they have some

Great toys! They would need to keep it an 80s era Camaro though.

I think now would be an interesting time to reboot Blue Thunder. A helicopter developed for surveillance and crowd control in a police state is taken by someone who thinks all that is a bad idea. The only trouble is you would need to clone Roy Scheider for it to be good.