
I was looking a at a tug here at work yesterday and it had its hood up. I noticed the Ford I6. I had figured it was something beefier than what I had in my 68 Mustang, but didn’t realize that it was basically the same engine that my dad had in his old truck.

I could see a few cycles down the line a Marvel / Star Wars crossover. It could work.

The streetcars in Zurich are fantastic, survive just st fine with cars and have a high ridership. We used them a monly ago and it was amazing. What was cool was that when ridership was up the could run busses along the line as well.

Came here to post the same. That is an interesting book with a surprising amount of info about the military aspects of the program.

It’s weird how some states collect cars in a way others don’t. A bout annhour ago I drove by a used car lot, not one attached to a big new car dealer even, and it had five black BRZs on it. They all looked the same. Seemed odd or someone had a good day at the auction with lease returns.

This seems to indicate that they used large scale models...

This seems to indicate that they used large scale models...

He’s following a proscribe familiarization program and gradually building speed. No one should expect him to go for a new track record on day one.

We need to get the 401k rules changed so we can use the money for relocation to Mars. If you are healthy, 50+ and want to live the remainder of your life on Mars aiding in colonization and exploring then great. Even better, you aren’t really worried about having kids, genetic mutation or getting home. Get up there and

There is a data transfer protocol. It’s an old one too when you think about the age of the probe and development time prior to launch. As far as sending it they have a radio, a dish and larger dishes and receivers back on earth. Saturn is about 80 light minutes from earth. So yeah, crazy far.

I have really been impressed with him off the track over the last few years. He has come out of his shell and seems to be more comfortable with himself. I hope he gets out and does some things that are fun for him. Maybe he can do some racing (Le Mans? Indy?) and get to see the world if he cares to. I’d totally

I think I must have been just a bit too old for the X-Files books, but I still vividly remember a Transformers choose your own adventure book that described in some detail Megatron being blown in half by Optimus Prime. That “holy crap” feeling when one of the big names dies graphically. This was before the movie and

That would work nicely.

Why were they pumping water on it? Toss on some chips and a tanker worth of salsa and you are in business.

Birmingham, UK

Per the Wiki it survived and is on display. Looks like the museum agreed with how crazy the packaging was because they are displaying it with the body off.

They should have left Dolly’s vocals in there. Would have been a heck of a contrast.

Best commentary tracks ever.

Best commentary tracks ever.

Now playing

I’m 42, so I don’t know if that proved or disproves your theory.