
That’s awesome that you guys got proper recognition. Getting stopped safely takes precedence over getting stopped pretty.

Yeah, I just wanted to share the vid so those who wanted to see could see. Carbon brakes are really impressive. They also fail in really impressive ways. Little, tiny bits I see all you get.

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Here is a relevant video that shows how aircraft are tested for this. Some related notes, wheels have fuse plugs that are designed to melt at high temps to prevent the tire from bursting. Still things happen so that is why you stay away from the wheels in that situation until the cool. Part of certification is the

We’ve had it a couple of times in Atlanta over the last decade. Pretty awesome and a real “what the hell” experience.

Luke has to go into the city and deal with high society. That will mess him up.

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I always preferred his more measured tones as Brock Samson.

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Wouldn’t figure 8 racing be the equivalent of Russian roulette in the Cars universe? Is Lightning trying to off himself?

A sad end for a name plate that has been around since 1973. The old ones are pretty awesome in that early 70s Japanese sort of way.

I know. That is a 747-200 variant with a ALCM dropping out the back. I posted it to illustrate what the other guy was talking about. Here is a P-8 for completeness and clarity.

I know. I guess I should have added more text. I wanted to post a pic of what Fireaway was talking about in his original post.

Got close to a Poseidon recently. Really weird to be near a 737 with basically bomb bay doors in the back.

Drove around southern Iceland in 2005. Spent a good amount of time on gravel roads. The minivan shown above was our ride. Good times. Amazing place to see.

I could see Saw and Bobba Fett bumping heads. It would also give Disney an opportunity to make Bobba the “good guy” if Saw’s methods are becoming too extreme and that is why the empire sends him out after the rebel. You could have a last minute redeeming conversation between Saw and one of his people that turns him

My Evo purse along with a belt. It is about time I change it.

Ho ho...duck and cover!

T Hank you for that!

THey have always been able to attract big names and the racing is fun to watch. Alan Prost is a regular there. Yvan Muller, the touring car driver, has won there a bunch as well. The racing kind of has a stadium super truck race feel, but with more ice and less jumps. Good times.  

Be gone with your real world film production logic.

I am disturbed by the Empire’s inconsistent approach to fall hazard mitigation. Sure, the catwalk for the control panel for the dish had rails, but what about Vader’s castle. One misstep, or an ill timed force choke, and someone is going into the lava.