
How do dealers do a better job selling to women or other non traditional groups?

They don't mess around with tires at the Speedway with Indycar.

How do you get the smell of anger and decaying flesh out of an outfit? Also, you don’t want to be the laundry attendant who leaves a little bit of sand in his gear.

Didn't skimp at all. All seats and belts are FIA spec and kept in good condition. We've replaced belts twice due to them timing out. Cage was built by a pro to SCCA standards. We used thicknesses required for heavier cars even though the Escort qualified for the thinner tubing. We use extra door bars as well.

Some may be $10k or more, but we built ours for $3000 +\-

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Airplane does what airplane is designed to do. I was at Paris in 2013 and saw a BA A380 do a demo. Not stripped, ready for delivery, but also not fully loaded.

Many will not recognize the brilliance of your comment, but I do. Let that thought comfort you.

No worries and you still may be right. I seem to recall previous instance where the EU ruled in cases concerning the FIA.

Um, my understanding is that HQ is in the Palace de la Concorde in Paris not far from the Louvre.

FIA is treading dangerously close to restriction of trade. The EU, where they are based, frowns on that type of thing.

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You remember Beyond 2000? I over that show Wings. The good things is that the Beyond folks ended up making Mythbusters.

Had a ‘97 GS-T. Loved it. Nice looking small car with good power. Gave it up for the Evo VIII, but still wish I had the Eclipse around.

Hiding the defuser.

If you go to Amsterdam there are a large number of Tesla Taxis.

Everything is cheap if you can afford it. Lunch out is prohibitively expensive for some. A Lamborghini is pocket change for others.

Of course. I was simply making the point that they understood style once upon a time.

NASA has know this for some time. The Mercury suits were modified a Navy MK IV pressure suits. Sure the silver coating was added for “thermal protection”, but it didn’t hurt that it made the suits look much better as well. They knew the astronauts would be some of the most photographed people on the planet and they

Was gong to complain about the paint, but I see they pay homage to the classics with the rear stripes.

Don’t hate on Fluffy for rollin’.