
And that is bad why? Aside from the sticky seats of course.

My point was you would have to pick up the action somewhere.

I can think of few better ways to spend the time on a long trip.

We were there last week for Golden Week. Some things like the Meiji Shrine were crowded, but things were not too bad during our limited time in Tokyo. We did hit the Darkness Festival in Fuchu and that was fantastic.

There s a fair chance that this Falcon is all or part of the one(s) they built for the previous film. I would imagine with the machine they are building with all the movies they would be able to reuse a lot of stuff.

That is odd. The 777-300 is actually a very efficient plane and 17 years is not that old. I'm guessing something is lost in translation.

They exist.

I'd imagine separate sets.

The floor on the upper set is awfully intricate. It kind of clashes with the pseudo-70s looking walls adjacent to it. It will end interesting to see what it finally looks like.

You are keeping the blow, right?

Me too! Maybe that is why I am ok with it.

There is a good chance that one of our people submitted them! If you ever get a chance to get to AMC you should. Excellent conference. If your company initials are RC one of your folks lobbed a softball question to me while I was on a panel. I think people will remember my pink and purple polka dots answer for a

I was at the Avionics Maintenance Conference in Atlanta all week and they had a great talk about obsolescence during the end of the session yesturday. Boeing and Airbus both presented. Rob Picken also gave a great talk about how obsolescence impacts people. We took a group of folks through our avionics shops today.

I think you buried the lead there. Bush and Shandling watched a movie together. How awesome would it have been to see that?

Dude stopped using a filter sometime around 1984. He just doesn’t care. It is widely know that all he really respects is money and power. How either are Obtained or used is immaterial as long as he benefits.

That was a beautifully written piece and the photos are gorgeous. Like I need them on my walls gorgeous. Seeing those cars in museums is enough to give you goose bumps. I can only imagine the thrill of getting to drive them.

It is now, but it wasn’t regionally intended to be.

This is Google. Mother will have to monetize. There will be tourists and they will know everything about them.

Skynet is a bit dramatic, but the idea has been tried before...

On the left side, click locations and Virginia. More show up in there than if you click the Shuttle link in category. No idea why. Someone probably mis-coded something.