
Your knowledge of the subject is...impressive.

This image makes it look like that area was largely unscathed...but I will assume beans and frank were cooked well done.

I would agree to some extent. Vader’s legs looked pretty much the same as Grievous’. You would also assume that developments for droids would have some value as well.

I think we are forgetting an important piece. Even Sith Lords need protection for their junk. I don’t even want guess if the little Jedi got the Oscar Meyer treatment when he was burned.

As an Evo owner I endorse your comment.

Clearly her parents are James and Lily Potter.

This. Frankly, I think most of the things he does are a waste of his talent and I would really like to see him something more serious/ challenging just to see if he really has it. I do remember his performance in Pain & Gain being pretty good though.

Now playing

Even as a kid I wondered how the dinner with Vader thing went. That was when I figure it what awkward was even before I really knew what the word meant. And then there was this...

It certainly isn’t for everyone. I get really testy about talking and phones, but the food thing doesn’t bother me.

I think that tact was going the wrong way. The theaters I see doing well in Atlanta are the ones that are actually stricter. They may charge more, but the experience is better over all.

Use profanity. Use all the profanity. These are engineers. You will not be surprising them with anything.


Ok, that looks amazing. Seeing the AT-ATs in the tropics is awesome and kind of Apocalypse Now, listing off her offenses was awesome in a Dirty Dozen sort of way, the messiness of fighting a rebellion is shown, hints of Vader, Tarken (I assume by the stench) looking bad ass and the Death Star coming together. Not much


If I was working on a Star Wars movie they would have to tell me when NOT to dance, because it is that awesome.

Looks pretty good to me. Contemporary looking car type car. The biggest deal will be the range and performance.

From the Wiki...

That half step from the little kid in the Jedi temple as Anakin ignites his saber might be one of the best played bits of the prequels. Not bashing, but it shows how far Anakin fell. Sometimes it is the little things that tell the most.

One of the best things I’ve seen on Jalopnik in a while. Brings back the romance of the automotive world.