
Acknowledged and my apologies. Unfortunate, I missed that and I can’t change the image. I also try and avoid using swear words in my posts. I don’t that adds anything either.

Acknowledged and my apologies. Unfortunate, I missed that and I can’t change the image. I also try and avoid using swear words in my posts. I don’t that adds anything either.

Why not just run sprint races? 20 minute race, 20 minutes to stop and work on the trucks, talk with the drivers and then another 20 minutes of racing? I see how the timing thing works as they can plan ad breaks, but it just sucks for all the reasons you and Steph mentioned.

I’m moving offices this week and I came across this tacked to my wall. It is hard to believe it has been 12 years since we got our first taste of Venture Bros. It is still one of my favorite things to have been on TV since it came out. I am really excited for more.

I’ve wondered for a while how Star Wars would feel with a 1977 vintage “sci-fi” score. I think it would suffer badly. The music is the framework of the movie for the viewer.

I've worked in a hangar for 18 years and still make the same mistake from time to time.

Now playing

large bolts. Check the video and watch the tip of the external tank.

We went to Monza this fall. We hasty climb the banking it wasn’t a question. Had to be done. we jumped a fence to do it. The history, and being a bit naughty, were exhilarating.

Yes, it does.

I watched THX 1138 on a flight last week and was startled how similar the holograms were between the two movies. Same look overall. Some of the holograms in THX were a little more jiggly. I will let you find the YouTube on your own.

Aerospace here, what concerns us is all the materials a proprietary and unique to the various users and vendors. They are not enthusiastic to share material properties and that makes it difficult for the end user to know what they have. For the majority of the traditional aerospace metals we have the MMPDS and that

I’ve been to the FOS three times. Go. Buy a ticket right now. It is the best automotive thing. Go.

My 8 year old son is playing with my Return of the Jedi Storm Trooper blaster now. I told him he could play with it, but he had to take care of it.

I plan on trolling the universe on the Heart of Gold, so who knows how old I will be?

I wonder how much the fact that we know what those beats mean influences our opinion of the trailers? They are good, really good, but we all know what the clips signify.

Now playing

The best news in the smallest part of the post!

My mom rides a 2001 Dyna Low Rider. She likes it and is 5’ 1” on a tall day. How tall are you and did that play into your choice. Were you comfortable?

I’m happpy for all of them, but especially Marino. He always seemed blindingly quick in ALMS when he got a shot. His interviews on Radio Le Mans also make him sounds like a decent guy.

They made the Apollo suits as well. The ladies knew what they were doing!