Didn’t Poe say BB-8 was custom? Any ideas on what was custom aside from the paint?
Kent used to be a normal little working class town. My grandmother lived there. From what I gather it has gone pretty far down hill in the last 15 years. I grew up in Maple Valley and that was all logging trucks and hicks before the dot com money found it.
We look after this on our Le Mons team to the point that we get out of the car and it is s sprint to the porta john to unload. We have a strict no peeing in the car rule. We had a red flag a few years ago and one of our drivers was stopped on the trick on the front stretch. We could tell by the billowing flames that…
I saw them run Hemi Under Glass up the hill a few years ago. He was doing wheelies the whole way. It was something to see.
Best bet regarding F1 rumors during the off season is to disregard all F1 rumors during the off season. It is just people trying to generate column inches (mm).
That is probably because that is the training he has gotten. I think he is just uncomfortable talking to the media and I think he is more thoughtful than someone like Scott Speed was. Not saying Scott didn’t care what he said, but I think Alex chooses his words carefully. Aside from his accent when he talks, his…
You'd have to eat, poop and brush your teeth in that time. Assuming what this coma is like maybe you can be fed, and poo during that time. Have a handler brush your teeth so you come it minty fresh and good to go.
I'd be happy going rallying everyday.
Lack of sexy times would be a drag. Just being practical.
Sure, and I bet some of the other teams and their suppliers do as well. What I am saying is that Haas isn’t some dreamer who is showing up and hoping to attract sponsors to keep it going. This isn't Footwork. This isn't even Force India. There is real backing here.
Unlike a lot of other upstarts I think Haas is bringing the financial resources to make it happen. Haas Automation is a big business. The question is how much is he willing to spend to get to the front.
What isn’t mentioned here is that work crews had removed some access panels to do work inside the structure. If I remember correctly, there was some weather and it sank. I remember the entire city was all like, “Shit!” when it went down as that was one of the main connections to Seattle.
$64K isn’t too bad. Elan has been around for a long while so odds are you would have support for some time time to come.
Came to post this, left satisfied when I saw your post.