
Yep. She only missed one of our 7 races due to pregnancy. We are pretty sure she raced with our first child on-board.

Cilantro today, cilantro tomorrow, cilantro forever!


If they really knew you were into red heads...

Yep. a good number of these ring true.

I was in London a couple of years ago for work. I can’t tell you how giddy I was when I opened the blinds to my room and saw the plant outside my window. We were right next door. Pink Floyd nerd in me was overjoyed.

The solar wind acts as a medium. A really, really sparse medium but it is there. It can cause shockwaves on large bodies and as particles peal off the comet they would interact with it and each other using pretty much the same rules seen everywhere in fluid dynamics.

It depends on how it goes, is suppose. You can still get larger pieces than hand size f it doesn't go straight in. If they can take a look at the hinges for the flapperon they will get a good idea of the loads involved.

If you have been to a shoreline anywhere recently you can’t blame the guy. He was doing his job and likely had no orders to be looking out for stuff. Heck, you would need to tell the entire east cost of Africa to be on the look out. I’m sure now that they know there will be more eyes on the beaches and surrounding

He was always the most fun of the WWF guys to watch. He had that twinkle in his eyes and grin that let you know that he knew the joke, but was still going to give you a great show. Sad to see him go.

Looks a lot like vortex flow around a cylinder. Obviously not a perfectly round cylinder, and the solar wind makes for a very week medium, but the behavior looks similar. The angle of attack of the flow of the solar wind compared to the direction of the comet could account for the fact the vortex is only forming on

Saw that a week ago as well. Pretty stunning. The woods out there are very dry. It has been a rough fire season.

Basically, the port authority allows/makes the airlines pay for any updates. Delta dropped something like $2B on T4. They are pretty much doing the same for LGA.

Terminal 4 at JFK is really nice. Freshly built a couple of years ago.

Cool. I'm an aerospace engineer at a major U.S. carrier. Your numbers make sense. That said, that landing still looked a bit hairy.

I think the 777-300 has a max demonstrated crosswind capability of 40 kts or there abouts. Hard to say how much crosswind component that video shows, but it looks like a lot.

We took our 5 and 8 year old on a cruise over Thanksgiving last year. They had a ball. It was Carnival (ship, food, people were all fine) and they have a good kids program. By day 2 the kids were telling us when they would be hanging out with us otherwise they were with the club! We did follow Tarvish’s advise on

I saw the Red Arrows at Goodwood a few years ago. 10 ship formation. At times they were flying below the tree line. Low. There is some badassery out there.

Now playing

It is so wrong and totally parodies the clip from They Live above, but so good...

I'm sure there is an app for that. I meant the communicator.