
I 100% agree. At the outside there should be a small “emergency” joystick that can be deployed to pilot the car in very rare circumstances. No need for peddle and wheel.

I agree. I think it shows some bravery to go from F-1 to Lights. Otis the smart path if he wants a successful career in Indycar.

He still has the car. Of course he does and that is perfect.

That seems like a pretty good deal when you compare it to collector car prices. Spitfires that served in the war have as much, if not more pedigree, than a racing Ferarri. Plus the amazing sound of the Merlin.

The Mongol podcasts were the first ones I’ve listened too. Loaded up with the others her currently has up to listen to while traveling. These are the first things in a long time I’ve downloaded where I’ve kept listening to them when I got home. I think NPR calls them driveway moments.

With a little effort I'm sure you could beat Ralf Schumacher. Something to aim for.

I just got done listening to the Hardcore History podcast about the Mongols this afternoon. They believed the world was theirs by right. It is amazing the amount of territory they controlled and the fact that they were so close to taking Europe, while controlling most of China and a good part of the Middle East. They

Michael Schumacher would talk to his team the entire lap about strategy and what other drivers were doing while destroying the field and setting fast laps. Some people have the capacity to do that and some don't.

Now playing

This is dumb and doesn’t add value to the product. Hearing the crews communicate with the drivers actually adds depth to the show. Examples...

Trail ready pope.

That and the Millennium Falcon were the pinnacle of their respective toy lines. I also badly wanted the USS Flagg. The thing was huge.

This is Jalopnik and not the AIAA Journal and Jason stated that he wasn’t an engineer so I cut him some slack. I do believe that the only thing stopping us from going back to the moon is ourselves. We could be there in 2 years if we really wanted to. This whole 2030 crap is nonsense.

Well, yeah, those details are a bit off. The LEM used hypergolic fuels to ensure the simplest, most reliable engine possible to help ensure we get the astronauts home. Being throttleable was a requirement as well. That said, there is a ton of open research and details out there that would allow an industrial concern

Historical areas of influence.

A reasonable plan, but I think they could develop a dedicated light weight lander pretty easily and maybe bring a second crew member down to the surface. No need for them to remain in orbit because if they are using the Russian model for docking it is all automated anyway. Remember that the pressurized cabin of the

You just blew my mind. Thanks

If you can get a race scanner. While F-1 has gone digital, many series are still analog over the air. Few things are more fun than hearing the teams go nuts over the radio. You may also hear interesting things. I heard Mark Webber pleading to race at the USGP during the warmup lap when the Michelin tire thing

I'm sure there are some sharp sole looking into this, but some flotation bags under/around the fuselage to get her up and some kind of skid to rest her on seems like they would be in order.

Everyone in Asia has them. When we were over in Tokyo and Singapore last month they were everywhere.

Ray and Egon were scientist/engineers. I don’t think they were going for pretty.