you would have thought he would have made Silverstone build one for him when they did their remodel.
Cutting holes in a 737-200 and bolting odd shaped radomes on it is a very scary idea. I'm sure it is well maintained and some good engineering went into it, but the 737 classics had some notable issues around their skins.
I thought Marshall Pruett mentioned on Radio Le Mans' Midweek Motorsport last week that he was looking at Indylights for a year. Sounds odd I know, but that is what I seem to remember. I may have my wires crossed.
AARP has a powerful and well funded lobby. That's why.
they would build great statues in your honor.
Taco Tuesday?
Not much use by the military, but they are looking into it. As far as Europe goes they are ok, except for "critical" parts.
some vibe and stator issues.
An up rated Leap would get you there, but it would be at the edge of its performance capability. If they want this engine family to get the B-52 to the end of its run they need something that isn't working that hard. Just my $0.02. Lots of interesting options.
The CFM is a fine engine, but they would need to run 6 to 8 to match the thrust of the existing engines. Slinging two high bypass engines on a pylon like that seems like it would be problematic from a structures perspective. Keep in mind that the J-57s on the original KC-135 only put out 13k lbs of thrust whereas the…
A de-rated CF-6 seems like the way to go. The PW2000 is a good motor, but it does have its reliability issues. You could run 4 of those, but would be at the upper edge of their performance envelope. Running 6 or 8 of them seems silly. GE has pumped some upgrades into the CF-6 so it still has some life in it. It…
that probably works!
I was, but I don't know the legalities of copyright protection in Australia. I did see a post by Eve on FB about them not being happy about a MotorsTV clip of the race with their comms showing up on youtube.
you should drop Eve@radiolemans a line about using their comms. They are good folks, but sensitive about that kind of thing.
That I don't know. I would imagine there would be a fail safe mode that it would go into, but I can't verify that.
I wonder what the weight and balance data will say. They should have had plenty of power on tap.
14 CFR 25.121 requires an aircraft to be able to climb at max load with only one engine operative. EASA rules mirror this requirement.
This should have a dozen stars. It was a huge change for motorsports and roadcars.