
I was, but I don't know the legalities of copyright protection in Australia. I did see a post by Eve on FB about them not being happy about a MotorsTV clip of the race with their comms showing up on youtube.

I did my open water certification dive in Crystal River and we spent some time at Three Sisters. While we didn't see any manatees there we did come across one at another location where there is a hole and a statue. We were under strict guidance not to approach them, but if they came up to you you were allowed to

you should drop Eve@radiolemans a line about using their comms. They are good folks, but sensitive about that kind of thing.

I will pay more attention to the minimum panel gaps, smooth lines of the fabrics and the sweet taste of the free warm cookies.

that's impressive.

biggest I have been to is the Paris Air Show. Boeing, Airbus, GE and Pratt and Whitney bring multistory monstrosities. I think Airbus had a theater in theirs. MRO Americas does alright for a smaller trade show.

I bet you could do something amazing. I go to aviation shows and some of those booths are nuts.

we did, and continue to offer, non gender specific games, toys and dress up options for our 5 year old daughter and she always goes back to Hello Kitty, Barbies, Frozen and the other girly girl stuff. It's her choice, I suppose, but it sometimes make me chuckle in light of some of the articles you see here and on Jez

I think I missed the massive anti-pirate backlash that has happened over the last four years. Bet you a donut that if we repackaged that post here on IO9 in a few days with an "OMG How Cool Is This" tag line we would have nothing but ohhs and ahhs. Toss in a Capt. Jack mannequin and we have won the internet.

or another moment to remember one of the greatest bits of wisdom of our age:

I'm kind of with you. My son asked for a bed with a slide when he was three. I built him one out of 2x4s and some super slick particle board with plastic facing. Cost maybe $300. Maybe I'm a bad parent for indulging my kid, but he loves that slide to this day.

I forgot she was married to Maury Povich. Turns out he first name is really Constance per the Wiki.

I'm not typically one to be contrary for the sake of being contrary, but one of your sister sites posted up how awesome an equally spendy looking pirate themed room was the best thing ever.

not often, but once in a while.

worthy nerdy point, but if you are going to beam that large a mass around then why not beam the entire Star Destroyer into the heart of the sun? The new Trek transporters, with interplanetary beaming feature, kind of make the whole thing, including starships l, pointless.

I think the huge masses of ground forces the Empire has available would be an issue for the Trek universe...assuming the Storm Troopers figure out how to aim.

My son still plays with my Leader-1 GoBot. Pretty well built toy. That said, aside from those of us here, who will remember these toys? Pretty small market unless they were huge in Japan.

It is a very neat place. We were just talking about it at lunch today.

Feels like it is time to go someplace warm.

That I don't know. I would imagine there would be a fail safe mode that it would go into, but I can't verify that.