
What’s funny is that plenty of low budget Indie side scroller games look that good!

Off the top of my head, both Dust: An Elysian Tale and the games made by Vanillaware (Muramasa, Odin sphere, etc) looked that good, or better. And had much smaller budgets to work with.

Well played sir.

For me, the Call of Duty series has become nothing more than a yearly rental. It’s like the equivalent of a “Popcorn Movie”. Big, loud, explodey, with a few interesting bits in the design/aestehtics/story/etc. Nothing that I would plunk $60 down for. But for a $4 rental, it’s perfect. Doesn’t hurt that I beat most

Most games are in development for many years. There is at least a whole year of just working out concepts. That doesn’t really even involve anyone in engineering, audio, QA, or many other departments.

Yeah, those gloves are killing me.

I am officially past the age of gaming I think. Considering my first child was born when Crash Bandicoot came out. So it’s pretty weird for me to think nostalgically about this character. I don’t recall ever really having fun playing any of the CB games. Pretty sure when my kids put me in a home, they’re going to have

Available exclusively at Good Vibrations?

Now playing

Dude, that was not generic black guy music. That was Eric B & Rakim. Classic Hip-Hop.

lol at that dialog, and story... but the gameplay looks ok, and I love exploring my hometown in video games. Those characters are even dorkier than the ones in WD1.

That’s a ballsy move making a “child endangerment” type of game. Limbo was more fantasy/dreamlike. This looks like something inspired by Firestarter. You are either a super powered being on the run, or a kid who saw something they weren’t supposed to. lol

South Park Justice Warrior?

Trials is fun. Blood Dragon was fun. This will probably also be fun?

That looks pretty ambitious. It’s crazy that in today’s gaming scene, you have to really put a million things in a title to stand out. Even at the Indie level.

So basically a big budget, VR version of “Spaceteam”?

LOL, that seems like a huge waste of money.

I guess you haven’t seen low sodium Soy Sauce? Or even Gluten Free Soy Sauce (which I tried for the first time last week, and it was actually better than any Soy Sauce I’ve ever had).

I didn’t experience anything like that. I found all cars handled as I expected them to. Large trucks handled like boats, with powerful ramming ability. Dinky little piece of shit cars handled like shit, with no ramming power. And sports cars handled tight with precision steering, and medium ramming power. I still used

Wonder if that was a subtle jab at the west coast though?

I went into it thinking it would be terrible, because that is all I heard about it. I ended up enjoying it quite a bit. Sleeping Dogs is also a very good game. Just get em’ both.

I have lived here for 20 of my 38 years on the planet, and while I agree to a degree, this trailer seemed to primarily focus on the more gentrified areas of the city. I’m sure they will have Hunter’s Point and Oakland in the game, and they will probably look like urban wastelands, but that’s not what a game company is