
The driving in WD was great. I don’t get everyone whining about that. If the driving had been shit, I would have failed miserably at all of those timed hack a car and take it through checkpoints minigames. But I didn’t. I finished the majority of those things. The cars handled a lot more like real cars should handle.

Uhhhhh... did you ever actually play the final game? It was one of the most interesting open world’s I’ve seen in years. And the gameplay was pretty damn solid.

People on the East Coast think Californian’s are stupid for saying Hella. And they are mostly right. Even people in L.A. make fun of us for it.

“Hella” is sadly one of the most popular terms used in Northern Cali, to this day. I always try to say it properly i.e.“That was hell of stupid”. I think it’s used slightly more in the Concord/Walnut Creek/San Jose/Oakland areas, than SF proper.

That looks eerily exactly like SF in 2016. They seem to have even gotten the scale of the city down correctly. Driver SF has been the closest to getting our fair cities layout correct, but even that squished everything into a much smaller play area.

I notice a disturbing lack of Techbros though. Those douchebags have

Damn, only 8-10 hours? That’s about how long it took me to beat the first game, and that was a crazy short game. :(

I would have thought they’d flesh it out into a fuller experience this time around.

I did find myself using the Motorcycles as well, they handled really well. The stiffness of the cars, I felt is what made them feel realistic. I found myself over compensating on tight turns for that reason, and employed the handbrakes a lot.

I really enjoyed the Police chases too. Especially being able to duck into an

What was wrong with the driving? I found it to be pretty close to the way real vehicles handle. So it was easy to get the hang of it.

There are folks of every possible ethnic persuasion in SF and outlying cities. I see people from all walks of life everyday here. And remember that the majority of people you see in SF proper on any given day, probably don’t live there.

Watch Dogs got so much undeserved hate. I avoided it for a long time, because of all the bad press. Then one day I picked it up on the cheap on Steam and I loved the hell out of the 100 or so hours I spent in Chicago. It did so many cool innovative things with the open world genre. The story was ho-hum, but the actual

Damn, and I thought my Saturday afternoon was boring. You guys must have absolutely nothing to do today. :P

Yep, we are probably pretty close to the same age. I remember being a kid, and the movie ushers never really gave a shit if we went to see R rated flicks alone.

Fortunately I waited to see this till years after it came out, when I was in my early 20's. Still messed with my head for weeks after.

Second vote to watch it! It’s an incredible film.

Yeah just watch it! And pay attention. It’s worth your time. One of the best movies from that time period. Also check out Angel Heart!

Make sure to watch the deleted scenes as well, for one of the most unnerving parts that wasn’t in the film proper.

The thing I love about this film, is that it isn’t really a “Horror” movie. It has sequences that induce sheer terror, and scare the living bejeezuz out of me every single time I watch it. But it becomes

I loved Defender of The Crown, and Wings!! Would love to see both get the 21st Century overhaul!

Another really interesting game from that era, was North & South.

A bit too try hard to drum up internet buzz to increase the sales of their game.

I can’t imagine Ken or Ryu in Chucks. They walk barefoot, because they have feet of iron. No need for trivial items like shoes.

Care to elaborate? I’m feeling like reading some trash about someone,

If they had only invested in electric Ropes, this wouldn’t have happened. :P