
There’s only a handful of users that are out of the grey, that like to argue disrespectfully. One of the reasons I enjoy the comments on Kotaku, more so than most any other gaming site.

It also has sooooooooooo much post-campaign content. And lots and lots of hidden secrets, bosses, etc. It is definitely worth taking the time to play through it.

I enjoyed Firewatch, but it was just so incredibly short. I think I beat it in less than 4 hours :(

Hey! Nice to catch your true identity. Love how interactive you are with the TAY community.

My reaction was definitely due to everyone ending up alive and happy.

“So old school”.

“Why is he wearing sneakers?”

My immediate thought lol

As a nearly 20 year QA veteran, I have to ask... how in the living hell is this supposed to get tested!?

That’s been my biggest concern with it since they announced the scope of the title.

If like 99% of the game will never be seen by human eyes (dev’s words, not mine), how are a handful of Sony testers supposed to

All I want to know is one thing.... Can I control a Skaven army!??

If so, I’m sold.

I managed to eradicate 20% of the population of South Africa.

Or a Bandicoot :)

I don’t see Cassie ending up in her parents footsteps. For one, they are legit Archaeologists now, their daughter could easily do what they do, and never need to shoot a Mercenary or Pirate in order to make a living.

I’m a fully grown, nearly 40 year old white cis-male, and I’m not going to lie. I got all weepy during the Epilogue (and the end of the mansion flashback).

I was so happy that everyone ended up A. Alive, and B. doing interesting things that fit their characters. I also really loved how they handled Nate’s deception

Evelyn as the home owner made that whole scene where she finds out Sam and Nate are her old friends sons have a much more nurturing/motherly feel to it.

Not knowing anything about the back story of these characters creation process, I did not feel any of the female characters were shoehorned in to meet some PC mandate. The sickly woman in the Mansion, Nadine, and Cassie all felt wholly natural to me.

Just finished the campaign, and I LOVED that they showed Cassie. And that she was their daughter. She was like a perfect blend of Nate and Elena’s personalities. And Nadine was also a really cool character. I did not mind at all that she kicked Nate’s ass. She took quite a few hits herself. She wan’t like invincible.

Glory Kills, are ENTIRELY optional.

It was great! I got it free on PSN, and went through the campaign twice, and challenge maps for weeks after.

Also, the Dawn of War series is great.