
That is exactly what I did at my last job lol. I mean I have been playing the table-top an video game versions since I was a kid in the late 80's. But never really dug into the lore that hard. It is really fascinating (and terrifying) stuff. Especially the planet wide rape, torture and pillaging the followers of

First thing I thought of from the description.

The one in the Cathedral can be sniped from the rafters.

From what I have learned, The Jailers apply that curse if you look at them. Or more importantly, if they have you in their line of sight. What is worse than the curse though is the damn branding iron attack. Its basically one hit kill attack no matter what.

As soon as I saw the butresses and those familiar great arrows being flung at me by Silver Knights, I had no doubt where I was. And I was right.

Really enjoyed your articles over the years Evan. Best of luck at i09!

Totally agree

Yep, the only true moustache-twirling, non-redeemable villain in any Ghibli film is the antagonist in Laputa. And possibly the bad guys in Castle of Cagliostro.

More like 2 1/2 Pizzas

Normally I get really disgusted by food monstrosities... but in this case all I can think is “Yes, please!”

It’s not really buttrock, it’s way too angry for that. It’s definitely Brocore.

Yeah the Gary Jules version is great. He got the point of the song. The message is basically saying that everyone around you is is in an endless cycle of despair, misery, etc. It’s kind of a protest song against humanity.

As a crazy Bowie fan, I just wouldn’t be ok with them using any of his music to promote video

Didn’t they use the cover from the Donnie Darko soundtrack? The original is from Tears For Fears. And has a more dance floor New Wave vibe.

LOL, yeah that scene really bugged me. I’m glad I’m not alone. I kept saying to myself... “isn’t there some other plot point they could be focusing on right now?” That scene dragged out soooo long.

WOW, Spoilers LOL... I kid, but yeah... that all seems extremely probable.

I just can’t wait to see Ramsay get castrated by Theon, and be fed to his own dogs. I thought the purple wedding was an exciting event, Jeoffrey doesn’t come close to being as fucked up as Ramsay.

Fire Jesus... lol... love it.

& thanks for the detailed explanation. I appreciate it.

Wow, ok yeah that was a long time ago, but I do remember Beric now.

Game looks fun, but that Space Oddity cover was tacky as fuck to put in the trailer.

Seriously doubt David Bowie would have allowed that if he were still with us. The song does not exactly glorify warfare.

Just like when Gears of War used “Mad World” in a trailer. So lame.

I am unfamiliar with these characters (never read the novels), but I suppose if Mr. Martin has already shown that resurrection in his world is not that big of a deal, I guess we have nothing to worry about.

lol, but in the context of High Fantasy storytelling, bringing the dead back, through the will of a dark deity, doesn’t usually end up well for anyone.