
Most FPS operated like this until Halo came out and kiddified all shooters for like 15 years :P

This was just how FPS games used to be. You should definitely check out Dark Forces, if you haven’t. It improved on Doom in every possible way.

Also look up more modern throwback shooters like Hard Reset, Shadow Warrior

“The neck bite, seals the contract. The contract, there’s no turning back.”

They made the entire cast a bunch of useless fools. I used to get annoyed watching that show as a kid.

How can you enjoy Justin Bieber?

Jason, I wish I looked as good as you in a bikini. Do it!

The fact it is classified under Psychological Horror and Casual intrigues me.

It’s a really scary thought isn’t it? I was just talking with some of my 20-something friends about retro gaming the other day and got really sad when they didn’t have a clue what I was talking about 80% of the time.

Dropping Dalia onto Viktor is the best one... that made me crack up, and fall off my chair.

The NES, and SNES Squaresoft titles had the most epic manuals!

You got me a little teary eyed right there. I know those feels. I was that kid too.

Lmao... man I remember that onion trend. That was almost as hot as slap bracelets and pogs. Hold on a sec, I see a cloud that needs a talking to.

I kept Infinites reversed the entire time I owned it. It was way cooler as an old Edwardian book cover.

Have they announced the other two yet? I need me some deep sea bases to implode underwater!! Something I’ve wanted since JC 1.

This is also true. I have noticed a bit of a drought from time to time, where they just keep sending me random crappy kids games.

I don’t disagree with either of you.

It’s literally the size of a galaxy or two or three. They say that after the game wanes in popularity, and people stop playing it, and the servers are shut down.... that there will only be about 1% of the game’s worlds discovered.

I hope to lord Azathoth that there are. That would make me go from being hyped, to being floored.

Seriously, watch the dev diaries, or pick up the Game Informer that had a cover story. The engine is bonkers.

Hmmm... you know buying used, most new AAA games are like half price within a month or two of their release right? There isn’t any need to wait a year to play anything really.

Or you can do what millions of other people do and get a gamefly account. That thing has saved me thousands of dollars over the past 15 or so