But, but, but then everything will already be named “lickmyballsville”, or something equally clever by the time you play. If you buy-in early, you get to name all the shit you “discover”.
But, but, but then everything will already be named “lickmyballsville”, or something equally clever by the time you play. If you buy-in early, you get to name all the shit you “discover”.
Max shouldn’t count, because his entire series is a parody of various genres. The first game is totally a Noir/Mob/Revenge flick goof. Then 2 is getting into some David Lynch territory, and 3 is all about the Man on Fire, Elite Squad, City of God latin/urban crime flicks.
And all 3 are some of the most fun games I have…
That’s exactly why it is so beloved. I hold it among my top films of all time in any genre or medium.
It’s one of the few animated films, that doesn’t feature a central antagonist. The only antagonist is the children’s fear and doubt.
I still remember going to see Princess Mononoke in the theater, and seeing like 5 families full of kids. Amazingly not a one made a peep, everyone in the theater was completely enthralled by the magic on screen. First and last time I’ve ever seen that in an animated film.
I kept wondering how those parents were going…
You must have turned them off in the options.
I am disappointed to hear Skyrim had auto-aim with bows. I really thought it was all skill that landed all those cross country sniper shots. I feel like my super badass Batlady looking dark elf archer character is all a sham now.
I appreciated your comment. Thanks :)
I always found the slowdown to be helpful. It was like... early bullet time. :P
Interesting timing, My band has a track on a new Mega Man Synthwave tribute that is coming out next month. There’s like 50 other projects on it too. We did Shademan’s Theme from MM7.
YES!! That and an Imperial Witch Hunter from Warhammer Fantasy.
Awwww... thanks for clarifying that. I love Divine’s work and should have totally realized that this was drag theater, not a transsexual life choice.
I got to DJ for John Waters once, it was pretty much the coolest gig I have ever done. He was doing an album release signing and the store hired me to spin background…
Amen to the Sean Connery comment. Every other actor portraying Bond over the decades is a pale shadow of Connery at his prime.
I’ll say though, that Dalton did inject his own personality into the character. Too bad he only got two movies to do it with.
No, her. Divine identified as female.
I binge watched the whole season one morning while I was doing something on my other computer. I really liked it. It is a little slow at times, but there’s so many good lines, and jokes. They also manage to subvert the feminist tropes you would expect on a show like that. Well not always, but they are aware of that…
Divine made some truly awesome HINRG Dance music in her day.
*Glances at box art... gets out wallet.*
I LOVE this song so much, I had to attempt a cover of it (last song in the vid):
P.S. I have no idea why OC remix always declines my submissions. :/
Oh no worries about have a dissenting opinion with me. I’m a fully grown, mature adult man-child. I am happy to hear dissenting opinions. :)
I’m glad you dug the first Cap though. That’s one of my go-to flicks for just unwinding after a tough day. The Agent Carter series that spun-off of it is also pretty solid.
I’m curious, did you see Captain America: The Winter Soldier?
If you don’t generally like Super Hero flicks, you may like that one as well. It was more of a 1970's Political Thriller, than an over the top popcorn action movie. The first film isn’t required to get the story, but it helps (and is also among my fave Super…
Did you stay after the credits!!??