
Turbo Kid was amazing! AMA-ZING!!! I was so expecting something along the lines of The BMX kid, or some cheesey family friendly 80's throwback. But what I got was a gloriously, over the top, gorefest. With some cute character development along the way.

Easily... Radroaches. Especially the GIANT ones. Just fuck roaches in real life, but double and triple fuck jumbo, radioactive ones.

I never found Deathclaws, or most of the larger creatures scary at all. Because you can simply walk into a doorway to avoid their reach.

Ok actually Radscorpions can also go eat a dick.

Well that’s good to hear. I certainly hope their staff are a lot more content now. It sucks ass to work in an office you hate to be in.

Isn’t this the same studio you guys did a huge expose on, about poor business practices, and mistreating employees?

But is there any other way to play it? I mean the game gives you pretty clear goals, the only other things to do are look around and take pictures. Hell half the park is closed off till you find specific items to open those areas. I loved this game until I got to the last day, and just said to myself, wait this is it?


I saw this site years and years ago, or one like it. But damn this is very impressive. Well organized, allow user reviews/comments, etc. Thanks for the tip! I already found two of the games I was looking for :)

There were so many games from this era I “wanted” to play, but was unable to, because I came from a lower-middle class family. So my folks couldn’t afford to buy me every single game I wanted. lol

WTF are you talking about dude? Where’s this hostile bullshit coming from?

I posted my thoughts on it earlier. Feel free to check it out, spoiler free. TLDR version; It was an entertaining story, not worth $20.

Yes, it is extremely depressing. The first 10 minutes of backstory had me choked up.

Yes it bobs, but you can turn it off.

I started playing this yesterday around 1, and finished it around 7. I enjoyed it. The backstory crushed my soul. But it really gets you into your character. My only complaint was that the end game was really anticlimactic. The environments are simply gorgeous, and the story was engaging for most of the game. But the

That is not in anyway what the story is about.

Welcome to the family. Blood Money is in mine, and many others opinion, the best Hitman game ever made. It’s also the only game I ever tested that I didn’t get burnt out on. That’s not something I can say about most games I worked on. I am totally hyped for this new one! Absolution was just terrible as a Hitman game,


Now can someone answer what gender the Toad retainers are? Or are they gender fluid? :P

Yeah I should have known that as I’m pretty steeped in Warhammer lore myself. I don’t recall that story about the Android factory, but that sounds pretty terrifying lol.

I totally forgot about the infected ships and vehicles. Yep, question answered.


Absolutely 1000% agreed this is like some Chaos inflicted version of these characters. Except, does the warp of Chaos affect androids? Because Mega Man is not a real boy.

That is so rad!