
That new review card is sooooooo much better than the old Yes/No one.

Ohhhh this is from that dev team!? I am so sold. That Shadow Warrior reboot was fantastic!

This is why I am glad I still read the comments on these posts :P

Exactly! Anyone paying attention to the damn movie should be able to catch these things. Unless that person has never heard of leprosy I guess?

Seriously! I caught that when I first saw it in an Art House theater lol. Everyone I know usually catches it on their first viewing. How is this even an Urban Legend?

Ok, I can get behind that concept totally.

You should def check out “Dear, White People”. I mean it does focus mostly on the relationships between various people based on their race/class/etc. But it’s a refreshingly honest, and realistic film. Starring a bunch of totally average American college kids.

Also why in the holy hell, would anyone want to remake The

Yeaaaah that’s who it is! I was thinking Mirage, but that is slightly different in the armband and face designs.

Those visuals look tubular! Nice nod to the Mirage comic art style!! I was totally disinterested in this at first, but now my attention is piqued.

That was the original mod, and the one I played too.

Ohhhh dude! The original Aliens mod for Doom, was the very first mod I ever downloaded. I remember sitting on my 128k modem waiting like a day for the exe to setup the mod. It was so worth the wait I probably playe dthat thing a hundred times. I believe someone did a AvsP mod for Doom at one point as well? The Star

That’s exactly my order too. I get pretty sad tat Jedi gets no respect. It’s a really solid well rounded film, with a satisfactory ending.

I picked up the Dishonored: GOTY edition a few days ago (because I wanted to play it again, and never picked up the DLC), and the first thing I did was tweak the SweetFX settings to make it look more cell shaded. That game looks amazing in this style.

You can basically do this to any game (or movie) on your PC.

Mehhhhh yeaahhh I dunno.... I kind of enjoyed the 300+ hours I put into F4 so far. And I wasn’t even hyped for it. The game has a ton of content. The combat is actually fun in First Person for once, and the quests have been pretty interesting, varied and creative. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen most of the side quests at

My #1 question, will their be a Mirage Skin, either in Black & White, or with all turtles rocking red headbands.

OhhhhhhNoooooes... I guess I will just have to go outside and do something else for a few days.

Fair point.

Exactly my thought. I find using glitches to be kind of lame. I mean it does take some talent to figure out how to exploit them, but they take all the challenge out.

Sierra Presents:

The Witcher 4: Heir Today, Gone to Geralt

I’ve tried my damnedest to just be a good, thoughtful, supportive person throughout my entire life (pushing 40 now). I don’t think of myself as a good white person, I treat everyone fairly, as much as I can. I know I don’t know half of what another person has gone through in their life, and I don’t pretend to. I have