
It is easily one of Danny Elfman’s best scores, as a whole. He was channeling his muse “Bernard Herrmann” so hard on that one. One of my favorite pieces is the bell tower music, Waltz to the Death.

Princes soundtrack was pretty ok too, in hindsight. Though at the time, it felt really out of place to me in a Batman

It really is a huge insult. You should get used to that.

Excellent response. I’m 38 (just turned it today), and I recall the impact the first time I read DKR as well. I was much younger, but like you I had neer seen mainstream comics presented in quite the same way. And yeah Batman “was” for a time a total joke of a superhero. Until DKR. And the first Batman film, which was

“The Legend of Bonk’s Rocket Knight Adventures”

I feel like I made the right choice purchasing Fallout 4. I’ve definitely gotten my money’s worth from it, and I’m only around 50+ hours in, with tons and tons of quests left to track down and discover.

The new focus on FPS combat was a bit off putting at first, as I have always played Bethesda games in 3rd person.

I think you need a perk to get scrap from weapons/armor.

Handcuffs and toy cars have screws, I see those all over the place.

Holy Bananas!

I was just playing VC III on an PPSSPP emulator, using the English fan dialog patch. I really hope they incorporate some of the awesome design changes from III into IV!!!

The best tactic in all three games is to move your soldiers together in groups. When one of their squad mates is within a certain distance, they will provide supporting fire. Basically making your firepower double or even triple the strength it would be by spamming one unit over and over.

The only exception to this is

Totally down with as many games like this as possible. The world has so many interesting cultures that have barely been touched on in video games.

Did someone do a video manipulation to get Kojima’s model on Kaz’s body? Or is that an actual scene that can be seen in MGSVPP? I know Kjima can be recruited, but if that’s how you get him... omg.

I made this logo back in 2001 for a random DJ mix. It’s hardly unique or original.

I just got it in the mail from Gamefly, and they sent it for PS3, instead of PS4. At first I was pretty pissed, because I just don’t really use the PS3 much anymore. But then I played through the first two chapters, and I have to say this game looks damn good, on this nearly 10 year old piece of hardware. I might just

I worked with some of the Avalanche devs once about a decade ago at E3 while Just Cause 1 was in production. They always seemed like truly passionate gamer’s, who really gave a shit about their products being as polished and “fun” as possible. I haven’t been let down by them yet, and I expected nothing less from Mad

One other interesting thing to note, Ennio Morricone, and John Barry basically introduced rock instrumentation to film score composing. Morricone also innovated in sound design with his sampled fx in his pieces.

Now playing

Dude, Brian.... you have like the exact same taste in composers as I do. Morricone is an icon. Besides his Spaghetti Western work, the guy has something like 500 movies, over a span of 50+ years. Have you heard Danger Mouse’s Spaghetti Western inspired album? He even hired the same orchestra and Alessandro

It reminds me of a Space Wolves chapter Dreamcast

I think that was part of the brilliance though. By setting it up like that, it let the player experiment with different tactics without having to start the battle over again.

Very cool... however the white color feels a little out of place. Skies is all about deep heavy hues, mostly Royal Blue, Forest Green, Red, Gold, Purple shades, etc.

Now playing

Good old Kitano and Hisaishi. Another fave of their’s for me is from Brother “Drifter in LAX”.