Space Dandy is consistently absurd, creative, stupid, and hilarious. Definitely on the same wavelength as R&M.
Space Dandy is consistently absurd, creative, stupid, and hilarious. Definitely on the same wavelength as R&M.
Excellent article Jason. 17 year QA veteran here. I applaud you for showing a really complete overview of QA.
Maaaaaaan.... poor dude! I don’t think any of my decisions would have helped that guy. :(
Yeah i hadn’t played it till this week. She’s basically a human with ancient elven blood.
You don’t really speed through most Sonic levels.
This is the perfect game to just have sitting outside my PS4 all the time. Like if I get bored of another game, or I’m between rentals, I bet this would be a fun diversion. Can’t imagine sitting down with it for marathon sessions of mining though. I hope you can eventually build your own mining drones, and let them…
Im old... i remember this came out after high school lol.
Oh yeah no, the dungeons past the Ailing Loran are fucking tough. I haven’t even gotten into the last two types yet. I was talking more about the base game.
Oh yeah, Bloodborne “can” be very hard. But like you said, just levelling up makes a huge difference. Your weapons do significantly more damage as you level them up as well. Also the weapons you use will change the challenge. I tore through the game with Ludwig’s Holy Sword, and that thing at +10 just decimates…
I got bored of it, and I’m a day one Demon’s Souls owner. I enjoyed Bloodborne, but if I had never gotten to play it, I wouldn’t call it a loss. It was good, just a bit on the easy side, compared to the Souls series.
Can you really call a pre-rendered cgi video, a demo though? Seemed more like a teaser trailer.
The only thing that really really bothered me enough not to want to replay it, was that 47 was portrayed more as a bumbling detective, and less as the cool, collected, spatially aware Hitman of the past games. 47 in Absolution walks into mo less than three traps, and gets captured (I would have bought one to shake up…
The problem is that Absolution absolutely did not need an over the top Grindhouse aesthetic. That’s not at all what the Hitman games are. That tone is great for some other ip’s, but not Hitman.
Hitman is all about well... basically what this “reboot” is being advertised as. It’s a puzzle game with a black comedic…
I absolutely agree with this statement.
It already was a video game! He even used the Konami Code at the very beginning to gain 30 lives.
But... you can still get your fill of cold blooded murder in other ways. Such as punching a poor cop off a railing to plummet 150 stories to his doom.
Ni No Kuni.