
What they needed to get rid of was the obtuse way you disarm a guard. Just make it a one button, non-timed event.

I am curious to see how they handle the phantom train sequence. And the opera. :p

This image makes my skin crawl. That isn’t going to end well for that kid.

Just please, god... let Kow Otani be the composer again! His score to SOTC, is imho one of the finest video game scores ever composed.

Well said.

It’s more the level design for me. Everything seems placed in such a convoluted way. But I mean, that’s just one single screen in a much larger world. So who knows?

Where the hell are all of you fucking space cases coming from lately?

LOL @ all the people who took this post seriously.

I am going to bug the CEO of my studio to have one installed in our lobby.

Holy crap, that’s amazing! I will have to pick up the special edition. The boss battles on my first play through really clashed with my gameplay style.

try harder.

The irony of all of these people replying and calling me rude names, and accusing me of knowing nothing of Star Wars, is that I actually worked for Lucas many years ago, and I’m one of the biggest fans of the original trilogy that I know of.

You should def pick up 2. It’s just a fun, dumb game. With tons of replay value.

OMG I love you.

“That’s just the THX Logo” hahaha

Yeah, honestly this post wasn’t directed specifically at BF, I mean of all the games in the SW universe, that one probably benefits from the original scores the most. But in general, I’d like to see more original SW music, in the JW style. Ans yeah Hoth... snore.

Shadow of the Colossus is one of my all time favorite games. But the gameplay in this demo, just looked so... I dunno... convoluted? Like everything that happened seemed really convenient. Hopefully Kow Otani is doing the score, because that I will definitely pick up.

I bet you feel silly now.

My biggest issue with Absolution was the tone of the story. Blood Money really was Hitman at full stride, including story. The humor in past games was dark, but subtle. Absolution was totally in your face with over the top jokes and situations. Oh and fucking Agent 47 walking into not one, not two, but at least three

As long as there are no leather clad assassin nuns... I’m cool.

No escape from virtual reality